
Fishing! My daughter and son just went to Yube..and Fish Lake. Check this out that she posted on FB. She says that this one is the largest she has caught. That rainbow is a pretty nice size for Fish Lake.

This one she caught at Yuba..and a friend that went with them caught one even bigger!
Nice Northern Pyke..or Pike? Oh well, nice big fish! :D

This is one from Fish Lake. I looove Fish Lake! :)
Hi All,
Sorry I've been absent for a while. This board is so busy I just couldn't read all the posts to catch up. I'm sorry for any losses, congrats on the hatches, welcome to any newbies!

Been a crazy week and a half around here. My uncle that lives just around the corner from me passed away last week, so there was a lot of family stuff going on.
The bator I had incubating my bantam duck eggs spiked to 106 the day after lockdown and killed all my poor little ducklings. :( My reptipro bator has been having problems for the last month, keeping the temperature in place. I have it set to 99, but it is consistantly at 97. So I tried bumping it up to 100 and it skyrockets to 103+. I've had super, SUPER bad hatch rates. My own eggs are fairing OK (when they are fertile) but the hatch rate for my shipped eggs is sitting at less than 10% over all. Unbelievable.
All of Clay's babies that I've hatched so far, with an exception of my latest hatch (which I'll describe in a moment) have ALL BEEN BOYS. Ugh!!!

So...I'd been hatching Clay x bantam cochin babies. Super cute, but all boys. So down the road they went. I finally went ahead and hatched a few Clay x bantam wheaten Ameraucana babies....they are about 2 weeks old now and are so pretty!!! I have one boy out of three, for sure, I *think* the other 2 are looking girlie.

I've had 3 Serama hens in with the pretty white Serama rooster I got from Sundancen. After 2 months of incubating these pairings, not a single egg has been fertile. and I KNOW the rooster's been mating with the girls. LOL The pretty little white hen I think is older, and hasn't laid any eggs. I really, really wanted some babies from the white and chocolate speckled hen. I'll have to find another rooster!


Anybody want a broody red bantam cochin? This is the 2nd time she's gone broody since this spring. She did successfully hatch out her last (first) batch of eggs I let her keep, but I'm not giving her any fertile eggs this time. I'd like $10 for her.

You'll be seeing a few ads on KSL with my name at the bottom. I've decided to really whittle down my flock and not do all the breeding I was going to be doing. After all the horrible hatches, infertile eggs and due to some struggles I'm going through right now, it's what I've got to do to keep myself away from the edge of insanity.
I'm taking a little trip this weekend. We are taking our motorhome to vernal for the weekend.to visit my son. He is a PHD in pharmacy and runs the pharmacy at the vernal hospital. I want to see how I traavel because I really want to take a vacation. This will be fun for me as I have been pretty much house bound. My neighbor came over and asked if he could take care of the chickens. He says he watches them from his porch and wants to spend more time with them, We're taking the dogs and cats with us so he will just have to feed and water the chickens and gather the eggs. I told him he could keep the eggs and he was excited. hes 78 and says her's bored. If I do ok then next weekend we will leave and go to mount rushmore for a week
Prayers for those in Cobb county GA! That's where our son is..they are looking at tornado possibilities there until 10:00 tonight. Atlanta area also.
Just wanted to see if anyone in here has any orbingtons Jersey giants, speckled or any other pretty pullets around 10 weeks of age they are looking to get rid of. Was supposed to get some australorps but the person changed his mind. Let me know if anyone has or knows anyone that has any pullets they Are wanting to sell. I've got 2 red sex links, 2 EE's around a year old and I also have cochin (bantam mix I think, not sure) and an australorp which are about 10 weeks old. Would like a variety and want a couple more pullets to go with the ones I already have. Thanks everyone.
Hello fellow Utahns. I'm fairly new to chickens, only had them for about a year now but just barely caught the chicken fever. I have a mutt rooster, 2 mutt hens, 2 white rock hens, 4 EE pullets, 1 Dominique pullet, 2 Barred rock pullets, 1 black sex link pullet, 1 black cockerel (unsure of breed, son's class hatched him) 1 BO cockerel, 1 BO pullet, 2 cuckoo matan pullets AND 3 ducks, one is a pekin but unsure of the others. *Deep breath* I think I have a problem.
Just wanted to see if anyone in here has any orbingtons Jersey giants, speckled or any other pretty pullets around 10 weeks of age they are looking to get rid of. Was supposed to get some australorps but the person changed his mind. Let me know if anyone has or knows anyone that has any pullets they Are wanting to sell. I've got 2 red sex links, 2 EE's around a year old and I also have cochin (bantam mix I think, not sure) and an australorp which are about 10 weeks old. Would like a variety and want a couple more pullets to go with the ones I already have. Thanks everyone.

There is a fellow in Fayette that sells older pullets/hens. Not sure if you're interested in traveling that far though.

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