
Seems everyone loves a nice chicken dinner… the cat might have to go. When I start to think of all the 'things' that go bump in the night, that are out there just waiting and hoping I don't lock up one night, it makes me crazy. Protecting ones flock is very much life or death, and there is little leeway that will be in your favor. When I see raccoons that are dead along the road, I don't say sorry about that…

Red, this is my cat Tiki Laka. I know everyone loves cat pictures, so here goes. She is a rescue kitty, I think she will be four in the spring.

I went to the planning commission meeting for Kaysville City and my application for a permit for chickens was approved, so now it is full steam ahead!

Thanks bitsy. Just got back from the vet and they are keeping him overnight. He has a nasty abscess that needs to be drained, but he will be okay. I'm so relieved! I don't like any of my animals suffering.

I'm glad your kitty is on the mend! I hate it when there is something wrong with one of my dogs.
RJ, should you decide to sit on eggs, do take a picture, lol! :)

Welcome, Angus!

Lisa, you made me giggle. I love how you even have eggs on the thermometer. No space wasted! And I am drooling over the variety of colors you have!

It seems as though I am getting closer to stopping in at Trader Joe's to pick up some fertile eggs for funsies. DH keeps dropping hints about the incubator. I get the feeling he is hankering for Brahmas, though. Someone at work was chatting with him about them and told him how big they are...... I'm pretty sure my husband likes giant chickens. Think I should make a stab at talking him into Jersey Giants?! :D

Sambi, I hope you can figure out what's going on with the SG, sorry. Does she get any vitamin supplements?

brahmas are great imo. they are big for sure. and they do take time to reach full size, like my girl i got in the spring is still growing. but they are so much fun. mine can be a bit bossy with the other chickens but she is sweet with me. great foragers. and the feathered feet are not as much of a problem as i thought they would be. they are a very cold hardy breed. and i think its funny to see any chicken run but i think its extra funny to see a brahma run lol. they are a fun breed i think. it was a total impulse buy for me but i am glad i did. i have buffs :)
RJ, should you decide to sit on eggs, do take a picture, lol!

Welcome, Angus!

Lisa, you made me giggle. I love how you even have eggs on the thermometer. No space wasted! And I am drooling over the variety of colors you have!

It seems as though I am getting closer to stopping in at Trader Joe's to pick up some fertile eggs for funsies. DH keeps dropping hints about the incubator. I get the feeling he is hankering for Brahmas, though. Someone at work was chatting with him about them and told him how big they are...... I'm pretty sure my husband likes giant chickens. Think I should make a stab at talking him into Jersey Giants?!

Sambi, I hope you can figure out what's going on with the SG, sorry. Does she get any vitamin supplements?
I get a few Brahma eggs a week if you want just a few.....I would love to be able to see the chicks but don't have the time nor fortitude to get rid of the potential cockerels this year. They are just hatchery stock but they are definitely big and fun to have. I live in Herriman if you are interested.

@acemario So far we've narrowed it down to one of each! We are looking at sex-links because we are only allowed 7 and we don't want to re-home half our chicks and start over. I've told my children they can each choose 2, my son wants a red hen and was really interested in EE, but isn't sure he wants to risk re-homing, my daughter wants to choose something "pretty". I actually succumbed to a giftcard sale at Papa's Poultry at Christmas time because he has a large selection of sex-link chicks, and I was weak. We are narrowing down our choices from those.

@newmarch2014 We had started buying lumber when we found good deals, but had held off doing too much until we went to the planning commission meeting. I want to do an 8x8 and have half of it sectioned off for storage and an area I can separate a bird out if needs be. I am itching to get started, but Mother Nature has made it very difficult. I suppose I shall just have to make myself feel better by setting up my little greenhouse and starting my tomatoes.

I am so excited!

Good Plan, get the run built, and secure so you are not worrying about predators....I use hardware cloth and bury it no poultry wire to keep them safe with a roof to keep out the hawks.
I too am planting this week....but just peppers so far. Good luck with it all!

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