vegetarian stories (no offense to vegetarians)

*snickers* those are'nt called vegetarians..those are called #$%^&*!
yeah... i used to tease my cousin about tofu being 'dirt'. it was just the first thing that popped into my mind. yes, i realize that tofu isn't really dirt, but it was funny at the time.
Had a housemate at one point who for religious reasons could not eat any of there meat that was available where we were at the time. So we both became vegetarians.

But, later when I was still mostly eating vegetarian and got pregnant OMG the cravings for beef were awful!!

I would have chased a cow down the street and bit it on the behind!!
I had two gals come into the restaurant.
One of the gasl ordered meat, the other claimed to be a veggie and wanted to know if we offered anything vegetarian. I told her, look lady, this is a bbq, we don't offer veggie food, except I got some celery, some carrots, and we also have coleslaw, and potato salad.

I told them I'd be back in a minute.

When I returned I asked veggie lady what she would like, she the asked, are you sure you don't have anything vegetarian?
Just what I already told you.

She closed her menu, and said I'll take the chicken wings.
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