Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

I'm so glad I found this thread!
I've been on a Brahma thread, as that's what chicksI have on order, and keep reading about "culls" and I know what that is in the potato field, and so too in the chicken world. I felt ill when they even posted pics of their roasted culls. Makes me sad. I'm so excited to have big silly chickens, and so excited to have found chicken lovers who don't necessarily love to eat them! I do respect ones choice if not shoved in my face though.
My babies won't be here until June. I'm working on the run now, in between snow storms. So glad I found you!
I was a vegan for 2 years? But no one respected my choice so I tried being a vegetarian for about .... I wanna say 4 years? We're thinking about switching to a plant based diet after the saw Food Inc, and forks over Knives but I dunno if I can give up the eggs or cheese! I do think people should respect each others view points and not ridicule or attack each other. We're planting a garden and getting Ducks/Chickens as an effort to be more self sufficient but no one seems to be willing to kill the birds XD so I told them if you can't kill it yourself I better not see you guys at Boston market lol.
Lol. I'm not a vegetarian but I have chickens cuz we love fresh eggs n I never would have thought I'd enjoy them as much as I do. And just a lil FYI .... I'm never gonna eat them once they quite laying, we r too attached. Lol
I probably posted this book already,but it was good....

I eat what I want when I want.Sometimes people get rude,but that gets ignored.Why bother? Life is to short to waste it trying to justify your choices to others who most times are only listening just to find HOLES in your choice that they can use to justify ripping on you.

Look into international recipes.There are so many yummy veggie meals people eat around the world.

Also,consider taking on your meals if people are reluctant to accomodate you.Ingredients might be limited,but you will always have a right to ask for some basic grains,veggies,and fruit on the food shopping list.

I would never bully my kids to eat what I cook,but I might say," Sorry today I don't feel like cooking 4 different types or meals,but I would be happy to help YOU prep your own meal.Yes, in my house 4 people= 4 different meal preferences.
"I dunno if I can give up the eggs or cheese!"
I was the same way with meat before I became a vegetarian. Now I am transitioning into a vegan and have the same worries. As for the cheese, organic is probably the best way you can go. (Unless you want soy/vegan cheese) As for eggs, if you get cage-free, yes they're still out of the cage, but oftentimes they're all crowded on the ground. You'd want to get cage-free organic. It can get a little costly, though, so it depends on how much you want it. I always have that struggle where I want to give in to chocolate or pastries or something sweet tasting. But I do it for the animals, so I always find a way to push through.
We plan on getting chickens/ducks for eggs so I'm not too worried in the mean time we'll buy them from some local farmers who let them out all day. I'd LOVE to find some organic cheese tho! I know how you feel! Being a vegan wasn't so hard it was more or less everyone being so rude/unsupportive that was hard... Well till I discovered Brie and all these delicious egg recipes ugh! I'd love to try it it again but I'm weak XD. I think everyone else would be fine without the eggs and cheese though its mainly just me even my baby isn't too impressed by eggs or meat.
Cage-free organic can still mean crowded chickens. Unfortunately, labels like that are fairly meaningless. Corporate culture latched onto them pretty quickly. Two good ways to know where eggs come from is to raise your own layers or to buy from a local farmer who lets you see their set up.
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Cage-free organic can still mean crowded chickens.  Unfortunately, labels like that are fairly meaningless.  Corporate culture latched onto them pretty quickly.  Two good ways to know where eggs come from is to raise your own layers or to buy from a local farmer who lets you see their set up.

Ive never heatd of that! If you buy eggs at the store, what should u look for

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