Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!


I'm not vegitarian but I like reading this thread for ideas. (we do not eat a lot of meat. It's healthier that way) And hey, even my smiley is eating a veggi friendly snack.
OMG you guys/gals! I just found this thread and you're making my stomach growl!

Off to the kitchen to rummage around for some snap peas and carrots...snack of choice for the moment!
I just joined BYC last month and of course someone recommended I check out this thread. I have been vegan for almost 8 years, vegetarian for one year before that, and my little burb just amended the chicken ordinance. My wife wasn't too hot on the idea at first, for many of the same reasons the ordinance opposition had (too loud, attracts vermin, etc.) but I convinced her that these chickens would be like pets and she went for it.

My big problem right now is trying to be tactful around my friends and coworkers who keep asking me stupid questions! I am getting a lot of "when are you starting?" which is fine, but I have one coworker who keeps insisting that she "gets the first slaughter." I have worked with her for 3 years and yet somehow she doesn't get that my being vegan would obviously mean no killing chickens. And of course there are plenty of people giving me grief about the eggs. While we are still about a year from actually having the foul in our yard, we haven't finished talking about whether or not we will use the eggs. The way I see it, what is more vegan and animal friendly than keeping happy little chickens as pets and occasionally using the eggs they lay that would otherwise just end up in the compost heap? Whether we do or don't consume them, I'm really just tired of having to answer the question to others!

Does anyone else have this problem? What do you other vegans do about the eggs your chickens lay? In Ferndale, we will only be allowed 3 hens and no roosters because of the close vicinity to our neighbors, so none of my eggs will ever be fertilized. I pla n on using most of them to supplement the cost of owning the chickens. Let me know how the rest of you would handle this scenario.

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