Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

I am so totally hungary now!

Small Victory at my house - I am a vegitarian at heart (and not a big fan of meat other than some fish and chicken and milk products) but my DH is so overboard with his love of things meat oriented
Soo... after much coercion and some reminders about health issues, I've gotten him to agree to one vegitarian day a week. OK, its not much, but any victory when its converting a carnivore, is a VICTORY!

Personally, I told him if he didn't have what it takes to end a life and prepare it himself, he hadn't earned the right to it. (no offense to those of you who allrady don't face this moral issue

One day a week is better than none!

My reconmendation: stay away from fake meat stuff... he will SERIOUSLY have an issue with that stuff. Go for things that are so darn blasted good they really dont NEED the meat.

My suggestion (from my seldom used blog)

Spicy thai red curry
We love curry! Actually, I was vegan a long time, and I give him the stuff now and then, and he usually likes it. Just has a mental thing about it....

He also loves tofu! Go figure (but I hate some of the fake meat stuff )

Lets swap your red curry receipe for my chick pea curry receipe..... want to? Everyone here seems to like to try new things.
I am a on/off vegetarian. I eat meat twice a month or so. Mostly, I avoid meat for health risks. I have been vegan, vegetarian, macrobiotic, breatharian, fruitarian, everything short of a just-plain "aryan". But I don't plan on being one of those.
I have learned that eating meat CAN be a reward in small doses.
I eat shrimp when I crave red meat. It may be meat, but healthier none the less.
We love curry! Actually, I was vegan a long time, and I give him the stuff now and then, and he usually likes it. Just has a mental thing about it....

He also loves tofu! Go figure (but I hate some of the fake meat stuff )

Lets swap your red curry receipe for my chick pea curry receipe..... want to? Everyone here seems to like to try new things.
OOOH! yes yes yes! ;D

Mines already posted on my blog that I put the link to above. The secret is Cock Brand curry paste.. its the best and it doesn't have msg ;) I would know...that stuff makes me puffy and shaky! I have to carefully avoid it.

Their alfredo looks delicious!

Yeah but using soy in this just wont work very well. Ive tried it! It doesn't work the same way that cream does... and it will end up tasting.. well.. off. If there is another way to do it with something other than soy I'm all for it! I love alfredo... but I wont make it the traditional way cause that's UBER high in everything naughty health wise.
Roasted Chick Peas

Who else has made/had roasted chick peas? (roasted not fried)

I made them a while ago and my husband is a wee bit addicted to them now. He ate so many of them he made himself sick! I finally pointed out that he had eaten TWO 16 oz cans worth in less than 48 hours and he decided to ration out the next batch.... by one more day

I make several varieties now: SUPER hot spicy for hubby (hes Indian... hotter than I can handle!), ranch, Italian herb, tandoori, sweet (sugar/cinnamon), and even caramelized (but I'm working on that one... I need practice with making the carmel it keeps going crystallized on me).

And ALSO on the chick pea list....

Channa Masala

I make this fairly frequently and serve it with roti (Indian flat bread), coriander and pea rice, and usually cabbage and dal curry (pic bellow is my own)

Cauliflower Curry (my own masala blend... I can send you the recipe or even ship you some of the powdered masala I make! ;) )

Spinach and potato curry (used spinach in a nearly identical way to pesto...) then added sauteed onions, cumin, mustard seeds, green chillies, curry leaves and asafotidea

I love to learn new recipes and trade recipes! soooo anyone wanna swap?!
ok don't take anything I am to say in the wrong way I am curious

I love meat and can't think of going veggie but I think it is good you can, my question is why would you go weggie. And how are you to get your protien from what source I have heard some will eat cheese ( I don't know if it is all dairy) because it comes from a animal and then I reckon some do eat cheese I pick cheese since that is the only thing I know of Sorry I am ignorant I beg forgiveness for be so.

I don't hink I could But if someone can explain so I may learn of this

I am proud of you ( all who are) it is a worthy cause

Most people go veggie for one or more of the following reasons..
1. Animal welfare - animals used for meat are often badly treated in factory farms
2. Not wishing to have living beings killed for your consumption
3. Health or Dietary reasons
4. Sanitation of meat and meat products being poor after slaughter (contamination)
4. Other (I am sure there are more reasons LOL)

As for protein,a lot of cheese is actually more fat than protein. There are many protein sources - if you eat dairy/eggs, there is protein from that. If not, you get your protein from plant/bean/grain sources. One of my protein shakes (made with pea/rice and artichoke protein) has more protein than a steak. :)
ok don't take anything I am to say in the wrong way I am curious

I love meat and can't think of going veggie but I think it is good you can, my question is why would you go weggie. And how are you to get your protien from what source I have heard some will eat cheese ( I don't know if it is all dairy) because it comes from a animal and then I reckon some do eat cheese I pick cheese since that is the only thing I know of Sorry I am ignorant I beg forgiveness for be so.

I don't hink I could But if someone can explain so I may learn of this

I am proud of you ( all who are) it is a worthy cause


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