
Love chickens lady

In the Brooder
Jan 24, 2021
My chickens will not eat veggies how do I get them to they look at me like I’m crazy I’ve given them Tom’s,watermelon,Roman lettuce they won’t touch them any body else with this issue or should I be giving them other veggies?HELP
How old are they? They might not like what you're offering, or just not used to it enough to want to try it. With mine, even if they won't eat something I toss in to them, I figure it'll compost down in the run in that case - since I just give them scraps or imperfect fruit/veggies it's no loss.
Mine love to keep me guessing as to what they will like.
They will eat watermelon on hot days if the watermelon Is cool.
They love squash!
Tomatoes if they are also cool on hot days.
Otherwise mine just love grass even if I cut some and throw it into their area.
They will eat weeds, herbs, and any leaves from my growing vegetables.
Ok will try some squash just found out they like strawberries lol
How old are they? They might not like what you're offering, or just not used to it enough to want to try it. With mine, even if they won't eat something I toss in to them, I figure it'll compost down in the run in that case - since I just give them scraps or imperfect fruit/veggies it's no loss.
Yah I keep trying and do new things too thier about 9-10 months old have two about 6 months
Mine love to keep me guessing as to what they will like.
They will eat watermelon on hot days if the watermelon Is cool.
They love squash!
Tomatoes if they are also cool on hot days.
Otherwise mine just love grass even if I cut some and throw it into their area.
They will eat weeds, herbs, and any leaves from my growing vegetables.
Try chopping the vegetables up real small (like diced, I guess), especially if they're mainly used to chicken feed. It'll be closer to what they're used to so they might just give it a try, and recognize it as you give it to them in bigger pieces.
Try chopping the vegetables up real small (like diced, I guess), especially if they're mainly used to chicken feed. It'll be closer to what they're used to so they might just give it a try, and recognize it as you give it to them in bigger pieces.
Yah I do that to I put it in my food processor they do like it smaller this I have noticed
I don't have chickens. (Yet) But I do have heritage turkeys. They aren't big fans of romaine, HATE zucchini, but they like spinach and LOOOOVE broccoli. (They also love apples and banana. They go CRAZY for banana!)

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