Venison stock leftover veggies for chicken treat?


8 Years
Jun 26, 2015
Central Virginia
I have about 1.5 cups of onion, carrot, and garlic cloves I have from my bone stock I've been cooking since yesterday. There is no salt added yet, just venison shank and hindquarter bones and the veggies. I'm still a little fuzzy on the definition of 'leftovers' for chickens.

The crock pot is for scale. This would be among 15 chickens. I would say six ducks also, but I can just about guarantee the chooks aren't going to share. They never do! ;) Thank you for any input.
I feed mine to the flock. Everything edible that we don't eat goes to the birds, if the dogs don't get it first. There may not be a ton of nutrients left in the veggies, but there will be some, and some fiber, and they'll just enjoy pecking them apart and eating them. I feed mine meat all the time, too.

congrats on the venison! My guys were empty handed this year
It looks like an excellent treat!

Nothing in there seems harmfull, just limit the volume to around 10% of their daily feed like all treats, so as to not throw off the nutrient requirements.
Thank you guys. The dog did end up getting it!
I ended up with about five cups of meat that fell off the bones so I ended up picking all the onion out, then pureed it with some brewer's yeast and making a gravy to put over her food. I ended up with 2 qts venison broth, 2 qts of venison dog gravy. Then I repeated the process with the turkey carcasses and ended up with 2.5 qts of turkey broth and 2 qts of turkey dog gravy. The dog and I are pretty happy.

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