

12 Years
Sep 15, 2007
Fleming, Colorado
Today was *clean the coops" day! Yay!

It went real well cleaning the bantam coop. If you overlook Dieggo chasing Sunny around in the run. They normally avoid each other during the night when they are umm, cooped up (no pun intended) together but, during the day - Dieggo stays out while Sunny stays inside.

However, when I clean their coop they act as though I'm going to KILL them all. (Like I've *ever* GIVEN them reason to fear me!) So, out go all the ladies and D & S do the chase thing outside the run. Normally, I tune them out...

Somehow, I started to get a raging headache throughout all this. It might have been the mixture of the roos doing the pecking order-thang and my having had TOO much coffee? I don't know! :|

As I said, it went well...on to the big guys coop. These are the birds I got as brooder chicks so they don't act as skittish as the bantys. When I clean their coop out it's *usually*, a piece of cake.

Well, I was almost done with it and had bedding, litter and poop all up in one neat pile in the middle of the coop when one of the brown girls decides she has to lay an egg - NOW! She was clucking, clicking and cawing at me. (That latter sounds like a growl.) I figured she must be needing to lay an egg.


Just as well, I needed a break. I went inside to get some Aleve and make a fresh cup of coffee. (Can you see where this is going?) When I came back to rake up the pile into bags, I walked into what look like a disaster area with ONE hen sitting on top of it all...scratching away and looking at me like I just intruded on her.

She had SPEWED the bedding, straw and poop all over the floor!

I had JUST cleaned that floor and it was spotless. It took me about 30 minutes to clean it too! I ran in there intent on wringing her neck, when she ran out. Squacking and clucking making a fuss. All the while I was yelling to her at how close she was to making our Thanksgiving turkey in the freezer, some company!!!

(My headache is coming back!!!) :thun

Needles to say, I raked the stuff (for choice of a better word!) and bagged it. I dared any hen to come in there...while I was doing that. I have to say...I was surprised NONE came in. Some dumb chickens, huh? for my fresh cup of coffee? It got cold! :mad:

Sorry...I had to vent. Vicadin...anyone?


PS While we are on the often do you clean your coops? I have a friend who has chickens and when i told her I clean mine every other week she laughed. She cleans hers once a month. Eeek! She thinks I am being fastidious. Which, she might be right...I am obsessive that way but...just curious? Am I the only one?
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I cleaned coops today also! Although mine is a monthly thing too---if that depending on the condidtion. Although if it looks too dirty on a daily basis I scoop out old shavings and throw in some new ones......I only have 6 chickens in each small coop. The small coop thing is only why I do it that often. It stays pretty clean and doesnt stink until it rains to much!

Sorry bout your day. im sure tomorrow will be better!
OK...color me stoopid but, what is "deep litter method"? I have never heard of it...what does it consist of? Do you just keep piling on litter as it gets dirty for...say, a month. Then clean it? Or just put a LOT of litter in the beginning?


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