vertigo--results "Meneire's disease"

Oh sure, like that's gonna make you less dizzy.

Hurry and feel better. I'm awful lonely trying to cause chaos all by myself.
thanks daccers...
ya back.

Hey steph.... i'd like to kick it back now. hiiiYa!

Feelin somewhat better today... did wake up congested and then post nasal drip... yuck.

My youngest was congested this morn too... and she just wiped her boogs on my arm... how special.

just been sleepin alot.... did I tell ya how much I love my mom? well, i do.

I have heard of vertigo and that it is awful, that's all I knew. Now reading some of your posts on here, well
x 100 million to all of you who suffer from it. What a scary thing, horrific, I am so sorry.
As a kid and teenager I did get 'dizzy' spells a lot. Even into my young adulthood. Chiro did correct that for me, in my 30's. So mine were probably from the whiplash I got from a car accident when I was 10 years old.
This is a scary story. A few weeks ago, we got a call from my DH's friend's brother, letting us know that the friend had passed away. Apparently he had been having dizzy spells. He got dizzy one night, fell and hit his head, and died. Now I wonder if he could of had vertigo.
Please, please be so very careful. I really hope they can fix you up real soon Maple. I loves ya. And great big super hugs to your mom. What a wonderful lady.


geez boo... that's encouraging.

I wonder did he go in and see a dr. about this? For all you know it could have been a brain tumor or an aneurysm (sp?) or something putting pressure somewhere and causing it? Could have been so many things... but wow for him to fall down, hit his head, and die. geesh...had to be some fall or hit just right.... or like I said, an aneurysm. I have a friends mom that died unexpectedly like that and my mom's painting teacher at the local college died from one.

Until this ordeal I hadn't a clue how many people suffer from vertigo.

...could be related to several things...and I'm hoping for an easy fix.

I really think it has to deal with fluid though... i can feel stuff and my ear itches....

Oh Maple, I want you to get well, and that it may just be some fluid that can be easily removed.
I have no idea about DH's friend, it just was a horrid phone call that day, and I haven't heard if anymore was figured out about that incident. I shouldn't of even mentioned it, but I be scared of the dizzies. I pray that you stay safe and get well soon.

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