Very sick daughter

I sure hope DD gets better soon!
My girls just had to use Magic Mouth Wash....instead of getting a prescription for it the Dr gave me the recipe so I could make it at home. Worked great, my girls mouths were in horrendous pain...they had something similar to hand foot and mouth disease

Recipe for Magic Mouth Wash-
1 part Anbesol
1 part Milk of Magnesia
1 part Benadryl
Mix it all together and apply to painful areas with q-tips every 2 hours.

thebritt-I sure hope your daughter starts feeling better. I was very prone to strep throat as a teenager, it was miserable
Keep her hydrated....plenty of clear liquids!!!! tylenol every 4 hours and/or Motrin every 6 hours. Motrin will help with aches. As far as the sore throat, there are some throat sprays that you can get that will help numb and ease the discomfort.
She needs to get plenty of rest so make sure she lies around and dont tire herself out.

Yogurt is something good she can eat that will be easy on her throat as far as swallowing. Make sure she takes the FULL PRESCRIPTION of the antibiotic and not just till she feels better.

Hopefully in a few days she will be on the road to recovery.

Keep unnecessary folks away and everyone wash their hands really well!!!!
My girls just had to use Magic Mouth Wash....instead of getting a prescription for it the Dr gave me the recipe so I could make it at home. Worked great, my girls mouths were in horrendous pain...they had something similar to hand foot and mouth disease

Recipe for Magic Mouth Wash-
1 part Anbesol
1 part Milk of Magnesia
1 part Benadryl
Mix it all together and apply to painful areas with q-tips every 2 hours.

thebritt-I sure hope your daughter starts feeling better. I was very prone to strep throat as a teenager, it was miserable

Cool! thanks for the recipe!!
I always like cold things..
although Lipton noodle soup always make me feel better also.

I like to take those little popsicle molds (buy them at walmart) and make fresh orange juice pops. yum! and good because of Vit. C!
*you dont have to use popsicle can use an ice cube tray and a tooth pick for a pop handle. *
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