Very sick orpington - Kidney failure? Please advise!

I appreciate your comments so much. Debbie meant so much to us. Your word, "lovely," described her perfectly. After receiving the necropsy report, it was obvious that we couldn't have saved her. We tried so hard. I want to make sure that everyone following this thread learns from my experience. I'll continue to post as I have more information. Thanks again.
We have very good news ... Debbie's Marek's test was negative! The most likely culprit is ALV (Avian Leukosis Virus). Because this virus is genetic in nature, we will not run additional tests. The necropsy and Marek's test together ran about $130. This was money well spent to know that the rest of our flock is not in danger. If anyone is interested, the final necropsy result is attached. It's very technical in nature, so I don't understand a lot of it. The doctor at MS State has been so gracious to explain it to me in layman's terms. It's comforting to know that a great deal of time, attention, and care went into preparing this very detailed report.


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