VERY strange egg


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 24, 2009
For the last few days one of our chickens has been very quiet. This morning she laid an egg, however there was no shell and it just looked like cooked yolk twisted around. Is this something to worry about? she seems a little more like her normal self today .
It is strange I agree! She was strutting her stuff clucking making sure I went out to look and that is what I found, she was very proud. I wonder if she has been a little poorly the last few days because of this and is now feeling better, she even went to bed early last night.
Keep us updated...I am going to follow this thread...that's just a strange one for sure!
How old is she and how long has she been laying?

It looks like the yoke broke and then solidified in her and that she was able to push it out.

But the question is, why did this happen? I'm wondering if she's a new layer and just a little confused. Hopefully, she'll get into the groove of things and this was just a bizarre one off. My concern is that this could be a sign of something else and she may start having other issues.
She is about two and a half years old and has always laid every other day. She laid on Saturday and Sunday but nothing yesterday. One of our other chickens died last Friday night after having a swollen abdomen, laboured breathing and poop that looked like cottage cheese or korma. Hopefully the rest will be ok.

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