Very unusual chick, Guinea / chicken hybrid!!

I know its very difficult to accomplish. I don"t really think i would but if i ever had some free time i might create one.
well it's not so much about it being difficult but about it being something someone can't do casually since your have to have the ability to extract, replicate, splice, implant etc DNA. Just because the parts fit doesn't mean it can happen; even with artificial insemination you won't get a viable zygote.
I understand that if I were to implant a chicken's gizzard into a mute swan, even if the organ transplant fit and connected to the other organs, the two poultry are to different from each other to be compatible.
Today our eggs that we thought were guinea eggs hatched. A very small bantam hen brooded the nest for us and we had removed all of the eggs she had laid. We are not sure what came out of the eggs. The guinea hen was white. She had been hanging around out there with a black silkie rooster. Three babies are white with little black spots, two are off white with redish stripes like guineas on their backs. They all have silkie feet. We only have two white chicken hens one is the bantam that sat the nest(and they were not here eggs) and the other does not leave the chicken yard. I do not know why she would breed with the rooster since we have guineas running around. At what point do you know if the babies are viable. I have heard the hybrids can die.
Today our eggs that we thought were guinea eggs hatched. A very small bantam hen brooded the nest for us and we had removed all of the eggs she had laid. We are not sure what came out of the eggs. The guinea hen was white. She had been hanging around out there with a black silkie rooster. Three babies are white with little black spots, two are off white with redish stripes like guineas on their backs. They all have silkie feet. We only have two white chicken hens one is the bantam that sat the nest(and they were not here eggs) and the other does not leave the chicken yard. I do not know why she would breed with the rooster since we have guineas running around. At what point do you know if the babies are viable. I have heard the hybrids can die.

I would suspect you would know within a week if they will live or not.

Do you have any pictures to share?
WOW! look at it, its so cute.
well the body looks more of a chicken while the bold beak looks more of a guineas.

I believe that if its a hybrid, it will be sterile. I have guineas raised with chickens but never mate together. or mybe it happen to enlocked ones :)

just WoW :)
WOW! look at it, its so cute.
well the body looks more of a chicken while the bold beak looks more of a guineas.

I believe that if its a hybrid, it will be sterile. I have guineas raised with chickens but never mate together. or mybe it happen to enlocked ones :)

just WoW :)
Hi Bemba!!

It's been awhile since i have had a chance to come onto BYC and catch up with things. I love your babies!!! They are growing and looking fantastic!!!! your an awesome chicken/guinea papa!!!
My Miss Guinea was attack by a hawk. Poor girl!! thank god we were home and heard her screaming close to the house!! we were able to stop dude from eating her and clean her up!! She had a bad gash on her back but with some TLC she recovered fully and is happy as ever again!!
Right now it's black fly season here in Northern Ontario so all she does is zigzag back and forth across the lawn all day chasing them lmao its so cute.

Thanks for the pictures!! i hope they are still well (it's been while since those's pic's were posted.


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