Vet suggested taking my chicken swimming.


In the Brooder
Jul 20, 2023
I am from the US and am living in Ecuador. My chicken was leg was injured two weeks ago and I did basic first aid. I couldn't bring her to the vet as there is no farm animal vet's anywhere near me. Well finally the traveling vet came to town today and I brought my girl in. Along side putting her leg in a splint and prescribing some meds, he suggested after the spilnt comes off I take her swimming... how do I do that?

Like do I take her into the pool, the bath, the river, the ocean. I was always told that you only put a chicken in watter if they are over heating so I have no clue what to do
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Chickens drown themselves when they're in water because they try to find something stable for their feet and by reaching down, they cause their heads to accidentally go in the water. Also, if you can teach them to get past that, they're not waterfowl and aren't meant to be in the water, so their bodies will become waterlogged, thus weighing them down and causing them to drown that way. All that being said, it's not highly recommended to take your chicken swimming, even though some people do.

I think with your vet suggesting to take your chicken swimming is to help strengthen your chicken's injured leg. In other words, it's a type of physical therapy for your chicken. When the splint comes off, put her on a level, hard, none-splippery floor for her to walk on until her leg gets strengthened up again. If she doesn't put her weight on her leg, try gently moving it in (to perching position) and out (to standing position) for a few times each day. As her leg gets stronger, try encouraging your chicken to put more weight on it.

Personally, chickens know themselves better than anyone else. After her splint is off, she'll start putting more and more weight on her leg as what is comfortable to her. Just watch her closely and keep her on a good, level floor so it's easier for her to walk on it. Also, avoid her jumping up or down from things, as her doing those things can cause further injuries.
Wow What a prescription. Probably he means the same as it is for some disabled children who receive hydrotherapy in a pool. If you support the chicken as she makes walking or paddling motions in the water it might have the effect that the vet was conceiving of.

Hmmm but apparently chickens can swim for short periods in shallow water. And I would not ever put a chicken in chlorinated water... but here seems to be a swimming chicken vid:

Maybe a sink or a bathtub if you have it? Something fairly shallow but deep enough she can paddle her legs around and get physical therapy. Maybe hold her while she does it. She won’t drown. My old chicken fell in my goldfish pond once and she got out perfectly fine. Granted, it wasn’t very big but still.
And I would rinse her off if she does swim and swims in salt water...and, not to make fun, but please remember tiny chicken floaties, (water wings), too, as water safety is important .

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