Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

Have changed her dressing again today and soaked in Epsom salts. Cleaned with TCP and germolene and tea tree oil. The foot feels hot and the swelling doesnt seem to have gone down. Hubby also says he doesnt think she is moving about as much, although she is still eating and drinking.

Here are some pics from yesterdays of Ken having her soaking and redressing. I have since redressed today.





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Do you have her on an antibiotic? I think at this point I would. and maybe get Vetrycin, it is the best stuff out there I think. comes in a spray. Sure hope she gets over it.
What is Vetrycin?
We took Ken to the vets yesterday, and were very fortunate to see a vet who has worked with agriculture before. He praised me on my bandaing techniques and my bravery for performing the surgery.

He was happy with what he saw and prescribes 3 weeks of antibiotics (Baytril), and after paying a bill of nearly £60, brought her home and had to redress ourselves!!

So far she has had two doses, and two soaks and banfdage changes, however we're not sure whether she has a broken egg/egg bound as she hasnt left the box all day and seems to be gasping. Shes not eating as much as usual. I have offered some sugared water but she is reluctant. I have just let th girls out into our garden ( lots of plants and grubs as opposed to their run which they have stripped of any greenery!!)

Any ideas of what I should do?

He said the swelling on the foot will be scar tissue building up.

He also said Tricide-Neo treatment and Betadine/sugar treatment have the same effects. Hes not a great believer in packing wounds with anything as I said some people have packed with Neosporin.
I just realized you must not be in the U.S. so not sure if you can get Vetericyn where you are, but it comes in a spray and it's for Wounds and infection. But putting her on the Baytril should take care of any infection. I would feed her some good quality yogurt while on the antibiotic and for a few days after she goes off to help with any gut issues. Don't know what to tell you about this new issue, have you tried soaking her in warm water and massaging her abdomen sometimes that will help them pass an egg. massage towards vent.
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Theres alot of threads about egg bound hens and internal laying, just use Google Custom search, I sure hope after all you all have been through that she begins to recover. Looks like you have done just about all you can do. All the best! [Might be able to buy Vetericyn On line. ]
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