Vet won't neuter yet. Do I dare take a chance?

This is what I was going to say. You want a little more development of his boy parts to minimize the risk of urinary blockage. Just because you CAN neuter at a much younger age, doesn't mean you SHOULD!
A totally seperate problem that we are having is that Kitty and KiKi are still refusing to accept Bug even though he's been with us a month already.

I felt so bad for him last night. Kitty and KiKi were curled up together on the couch. Bug tried playing with them, but they hissed and slapped at him. I expected it from Kitty, she's such a hateful thing anyhow, but it seems KiKi has picked up on Kitty's evil ways.

I hope they come to accept Bug soon.
I just got my girls spayed at 12 weeks. I tech at an emergency vet and had the Dr. at my work do it. Only 1 doctor at my work was willing to do it at 8 weeks or 2 lbs. I've come to learn that most Dr's dont like doing them that young because they're really small and hard to work on. I've also had cats get neutered at older ages and not spray, I wouldnt worry!

A couple months back I filled in at the local spay and neuter clinic. I was mortified. It was absolutely horrible. They run very low cost. This particular clinic was using the same syringes for premeds and induction meds, just switching out the needle. The SAME syringe on different pets too. I got there in the morning and the had about 15 cages lined up. Weigh everyone, and calculate drug doses and into cages they go. When it comes time to do it the pre med is given and the pet is not checked on(and they are in another room) until you're in the cage with another sringe to knock em out(Cats dont get a pre med though). When shaving and scrubbing a surgical site its usually a mix between chlorhex scrub/ chlorhex solution/ (isopropyl alcohol depending on the Dr), and Povodine Iodine just before cut. THIS clinic was 2 short chlorhex wipe downs and a spray off with the hose.
I asked how many scrubs (meaning a peice of gauze with chlorhex scrub on it) for a cat neuter, the other tech said just 1, the Dr. shrugged and said eh not even necessary. When they came out of the procedure it was lined up on the floor in the treatment room until they were okay to be extubated(I was taught NEVER leave a pet alone with an endotracheal tube in)(Oh and only dogs get tubed though) and then when they were awake enough it was back into a cage with no thermal supports and most of them go home still half sedated..

I highly recommend a vet where they are focusing on just him during the procedure and not the last and next patients as well as him. They were finishing up a cat procedure while we were tieing the next to the next table, then it was change the gloves and on to the next.
Waiting til he is 4 months old is fine. Just don't go over 6 months old. Most vets pick an age based on what they know is when the testicals drop. If they haven't dropped then they have to make further incisions which is more invasive for the animal.
I have always had male cats. No vet I have ever gone to will neuter before 6 months. I hope it works out for you. Good luck.
I sooooo agree. And heaven help you if that female cat has even an ounce of siamese in her. You'd swear that the world was coming to an end with their catawalling.

I've had a female that went in heat nothing ever happened. and I read somewhere male cats will still spray if their neutured. same with dogs.
My cat now don't need to be because theirs no males.
I dont think he will start to spray at such a young age...(unless you have another unfixed male in the house?)
If you dont trust the clinic, i'd wait and go to my vet.
I sooooo agree. And heaven help you if that female cat has even an ounce of siamese in her. You'd swear that the world was coming to an end with their catawalling.

I've had a female that went in heat nothing ever happened. and I read somewhere male cats will still spray if their neutured. same with dogs.
My cat now don't need to be because theirs no males.

Females WILL spray when in heat... trust me. And come smell my couch. (actually, i have a new couch now, because of her..
Yes, females will spray... ugh..

Not all do, but heaven help you if they do...
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