
I wish one of you lived near me. I have a problem Roo that needs to go. I isolated him in a dogpen because he was beating up on the other boys and he's HUGE (Lemon Cuckoo Orp) and he just about tore his comb off on the wire trying to continue fighting with the bantams in the pen next to him. blood everywhere. so now he is in my bathtub. & it looks like an axe muder scene because he shook his head. I cant do the deed becasue He's always been nice to me and I know it's just raging hormones. I need someone else to do it.

someone could really have a good business going with us dumb pansy chicken owners who cant slaughter our own birds.
I think the rules are in place more to keep the neighbors from having to deal with lazy/sloppy people. With the roosters, if your neighbors don't care, then you can have one. There was a house down the road from me with a rooster. It's all on how you're setup, who's next to you, behind you, etc. If you know your neighbors, and are friendly enough, then you can pretty much do whatever you want. Unless someone calls the city to report it, they aren't going to bother you.

I'm not suggesting you break the rules and see what happens, just telling you what the ordinance says.

I got rid of my rooster because I could hear him from the end of the street. That was too many neighbors to worry about.

Where I live now there are no ordinances, so I can do whatever I want. I do have neighbors, but they are far enough away that a rooster won't bother them like it would have where I lived in Leesburg.
Re:slaughtering your own birds- I know what ya mean on that one! I tell myself I need to just suck it up and do it when the time comes cuz I'll probably never be able to sell ALL the extra cockerels before I end up with more money (feed) in them than I can recoup. Giving them away is common but why give $$$ away? So long as no one names it my dh will eat it. Problem is the only one the kids and I ever butchered was the one that made me sooo mad the last time it attacked my son...anger/mommy protecting instinct overcame the 'mean to butcher such prettiness' hesitancy!
I've got two that are on death row now. Might take them to the swap in Marion on the 1st if I let them live that long. Ones the Andalusian, the others a leghorn, I think, whom I was going to let live until it chased / attacked my daughter today. Thankfully, it's all good to butcher chickens here.
again, I think that applies to outside the house...  might offend neighbors, attract predators, etc. I usually do it inside anyways, where I have a utility sink to catch everything and cleanup is easy.

I never thought about doing in the utility sink inside! Seems like a good idea, particularly if you are processing one or two birds. And no need to worry about the weather.
Hi I'm new here
I live between Charlottesville and Greene. I Normally have 6 RIR but at the moment I have 2 RIR 3 australorp Laying Hens. And we are building a new coop and run because I have expanded our flock with alot of chicks from Ideal Poultry! All but 1 arrived alive on January 31st
I am also raising 3 Cornish Chicks to add to my freezer! I'm excited to get these chicks outside in the new coop! Anyone from around here?
Hi I'm new here
I live between Charlottesville and Greene. I Normally have 6 RIR but at the moment I have 2 RIR 3 australorp Laying Hens. And we are building a new coop and run because I have expanded our flock with alot of chicks from Ideal Poultry! All but 1 arrived alive on January 31st
I am also raising 3 Cornish Chicks to add to my freezer! I'm excited to get these chicks outside in the new coop! Anyone from around here?

Roanoke area here... and also putting together a new pen (as the weather cooperates) so I can get the current brooder babies outside to make room for new ones hatching and coming in from mcmurray.
Friendly advice to those of you who haven't slaughtered yet: Don't hesitate. Just do it, detach yourself emotionally except for giving thanks (to whomever or whatever your worship...for me it's the good Lord above, for others it may be mother nature) for providing the roo as a source to help sustain your family. I was nervous my first time...afraid I'd make the bird suffer by doing something wrong. I didn't. I did it fast and efficiently so no suffering. If you think about it too much, and for too long, you won't do it. Have confidence in your ability to do what needs to be done.

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