Virulent Newcastle Disease or VND, Lots of Anguish, Little Solutions Offered

I'm a hobbyist too, Aunt Angus. I love my chickens because they're freakin' chickens. The eggs are a bonus. And although I know a nearby survivalist who has his flock for food, that's not what the owning population is in my part of the San Fernando Valley anymore than the horse owners have them for transportion.

We all have such different ideas of what's going on!

As for more transparency about where and when the CDFA crews will show up, I think that's more than panic or the lack thereof they're considering. I think their chances of finding any of the cockfight "enthusiasts" if there were any advance notice or detectable pattern would be about 0.01%. And it's becoming pretty clear that they're a MAJOR part of the problem.

Meanwhile, I'm genuinely glad for all you guys who are happier living outside CA. This currently hot issue for a small part of our population aside, the only other place I'd even consider living in is the Pacific Northwest. So, :tongue :love
I haven't read the whole thread yet, I'm working on it.
I just spent a semester studying epidemiology at school and the bottom line is that so long as humans are involved, it will be extremely difficult to fully control and eradicate a disease. This is because not all cases are able to be reached, some refuse treatment (in this case moving birds), some go unreported and some, like nVD have vectors that can't be controlled. You can't go around shooting up all the wild birds transmitting the disease. Flat out, this will never be fully solved. It got here in the 70's (thanks Europeans), caused a problem then, came back in the mid 80's, back in the 2000's and now back in 2010's. It will literally always be here. Even killing all domestic poultry will not eradicate the disease.
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From what I'm reading the responsibility for this outbreak lies in the cock fighting community. Sounds like they need to come down hard on that illegality.
Not quite. They may have brought it back again BUT it came from Europe.
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