Vomit odor in couch--HELP!!

Did your son vomit on his mattress? I probably don't really wanna know.

Yeha, he was only 3 at the time and Febreeze had just come out.

Unfortunealy, we can't use fabreez at my house or any cleaner that ends in "sol" (pinesol, lysol, etc.). The dog is and epileptic and that stuff can bring on seizures.
try natures miracle it works pretty well and what about the solution to get rid of skunk smell?

baking soda
make a paste
add a few drops of dish soap

i would not want to use this on a sofa with natural fibers in it tho it may bleach it
Let us know what works, ok? Never know when we need it. Could have used that(whatever you find that works) on the car when someone got carsick . . .
I swear by Doctor Bronner's peppermint soap. I bathe with it. I used a bottle of the soap (diluted w/water) to freshen up the armpit area of dryclean only jackets. I also do quick sprits on my stinky poodle-mix pup.

My sister used it to clean her sneakers after her cat sprayed them. My BFF conducted the best test EVER: She washed her dog in it after he had gotten skunked!!!
It worked! She washed him ONCE & no more stink!

I hope you will try this. It is a natural product & smells lovely.
Try Oxyclean. Always works for me. Had a milk spill that went deep into sofa cushion and just got worse and worse as to smell. Didn't realize that was where smell came from until I did the crawl and sniff. DH and family thought it was hilarious. Found it though, :sickgag, and Oxyclean did the job. Good luck.
Thank you for all of your suggestions.

I went with a strong solution of Oxy Clean and Purex bleach for colors. Highly concentrated. Scrubbed it on and in til it penetrated deep into the cushion. Literally, I know that I over applied thinking, man, I've already done this twice--this is the last time!! So I Let it soak, then got the shampooer and sucked up the solution while also adding water via the upholstery cleaner.

So far so good...got down on my knees and did the scratch and sniff
and I didn't smell one bit of the odor.
The couch cushion is still damp so I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that when it dries, there's nothing that creeps to the surface.

Man, sometimes I wish I didn't have that pukey cat.

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