WaHoo!! The Ninja Coop is all done except the paint job! (PICS!)

There is a pop door underneath the window for the girls to get easily in and out of as they please. The chicken wire encloses everything except the pop door. The biggest concern right now is one of our dogs. It's the little tri colored mutt that is pictured sketching about the chicken coop. I am afraid that he will kill the chickens if he ever gets into the run and he REALLY wants to get into the run! My golden retriever doesn't care one lick about the chicks. It's like they aren't even there, he has never acknowledged them at all!

Please please please don't take this the wrong way, because I really like your coop...

It's really really really important that you have a solid chicken (pop) door that closes, and preferably LOCKS, especially since your run is really accessible. I know, it seems like "oh man, ONE more thing to do" but this one is a biggie. Chicken wire is great at keeping chickens IN but sort of crummy at keeping the baddies OUT. It's not super strong and a dog could run through it and a raccoon can climb over it or chew through it.

And seriously, it's the only thing I can see on your whole coop that could use some attention. I think it's GREAT.
There is a pop door underneath the window for the girls to get easily in and out of as they please. The chicken wire encloses everything except the pop door. The biggest concern right now is one of our dogs. It's the little tri colored mutt that is pictured sketching about the chicken coop. I am afraid that he will kill the chickens if he ever gets into the run and he REALLY wants to get into the run! My golden retriever doesn't care one lick about the chicks. It's like they aren't even there, he has never acknowledged them at all!

Please please please don't take this the wrong way, because I really like your coop...

It's really really really important that you have a solid chicken (pop) door that closes, and preferably LOCKS, especially since your run is really accessible. I know, it seems like "oh man, ONE more thing to do" but this one is a biggie. Chicken wire is great at keeping chickens IN but sort of crummy at keeping the baddies OUT. It's not super strong and a dog could run through it and a raccoon can climb over it or chew through it.

And seriously, it's the only thing I can see on your whole coop that could use some attention. I think it's GREAT.

Oh, the pop door slides shut and has a locking mechanism so it is very secure. Thanks for your concern and that is exactly why I posted the coop pictures on BYC so that I could get some feedback on things that I may not have thought about myself.
Awesome. Sorry to hound on that one point. I couldn't see the door and just wanted to make sure... After spending a little time on the predators forum (and earlier having a resident raccoon living not 10 ft. from my coop) makes me a little skitzo and over protective...
Awesome. Sorry to hound on that one point. I couldn't see the door and just wanted to make sure... After spending a little time on the predators forum (and earlier having a resident raccoon living not 10 ft. from my coop) makes me a little skitzo and over protective...

I know that we have coyote's and fox in the area but I have never heard of racoon's in our area. However, we designed the coop with racoon's in mind. I think we will also have to worry about snakes getting into the coop. I have spied two area that I think a snake may be able to get through. I am going to have to figure out how to fix those two spots asap. The gaps are located where the outside access door to the nest boxes meets the wall of the coop. My husband was thinking that filling the gaps with some foam insulation might do the trick. Tomorrow I start to paint the exterior of the coop so maybe by getting up close and personal with it I will find more vulnerabilities before the predators do!

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