Do you walk or run!?

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I’ve been surprisingly walking a good amount lately my ankles and hips hate me for it but the rest of my body likes it I’ve been getting 2.5 miles at least daily since Friday.
Hi! If you know me at all on here you might know I’m a runner. I run usually three times a week, not fast, for sure, but it’s great. I’ve had to start going earlier and earlier in the morning as it gets hotter, now I’m going at about 7am. Pretty soon I might go at 6 sometimes, running over 70° kinda kills me.

I walk on the days I don’t run, usually in the late evening in the vineyard. I carry pepper spray if I run into any coyotes, which is pretty likely around here. I saw a raccoon last time actually 😂

I go dancing every couple weeks as well, with a group of friends. You’d be surprised how many steps you take while dancing, especially how we do it! I think I got up to 14,000 last time…

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