want a tip that will make your hens lay like its spring in the winter

We tried peppers years ago, it never worked. Like the prior poster, I wonder if it hurt them, I hope not. Lights are effective for us and we'll continue to use them! It goes with out saying, opportunity to exercise, clean areas/coops/trailors and fresh water are also so key to healthy and laying hens too!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
So am taking care of my Neighbors Hens while they are tanning their butts down in Cabo.
The first week I got 3 eggs a day. Then I drizzeled some tabasco on some white bread , tossed some lettuce with red pepper flakes and some left over fresh corn and served it to the ladies...sipping coffee and waiting
. 2 days later I had 9 eggs ! The following day 6.
Then back to 3. I gave them a break for 1 week and did the same thing. And voila, 10 eggs.
how about that ? It works, thank you for posting incubatingisfun
two shakes on my plate and one for them.... two for me one for them...
I also give my birds old jalapeno pepper bread (whole wheat of course) soaked in water from time to time.
It worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So excited!!!! I got an egg today, three days after giving them cayenne pepper! They haven't layed in four months! Coinsidence? I don't think so! It was brown, so my du white leghorn couldn't of layed it- it was either my retired hens or my black sex link pullets who haven't started yet. Wow, this trick is magic!
Mine haven't been laying since late August (!!), and i DID try this; it didnt' work for me. i'm almost at wit's end. (i've even told them I know Colonel Sanders)

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