Want Just One More.......Central Oregon

K7 Menagerie

11 Years
May 6, 2008
Bend, OR
I am looking for just one more chicken (or at least that's what I tell my husband
). I have 7 hens, wouldn't mind a good natured roo or another hen. I have EE, Welsummers, and one bantam Cochin. I would like to get someone a little more unusual - such as a frizzle, sizzle, Maran, etc.

I'm in Central OR, willing to drive a bit for the right chickie!

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I'm over in Springfield, but would be willing to drive a ways as well... I have a young welsummer cockeral that needs a new home and a gorgeous EE rooster. They're both really good natured and have been handled lots.

I also have four frizzle/sizzle babies that I just hatched out. I can only guess that I'll end up with some roos. If you can wait a bit, maybe we can work something out?

Would you like to see pics?
I'm in Phoenix and wishing that I had a couple of different hens that layed white eggs.

You know they say you'll know when enough is enough, but I'm just thinking two more...

leghorns anyone?
I have 2 brown leghorns - but they are chicks - 4 weeks old
I was in Sisters on Saturday! but I have idea when I will be back over the hill.
I'm in Woodburn
well, if you wanted to meet me in the gorge around the holidays, I would be willing to bring you one of mine... I have for sale. I have blue cochin cockerel available, a porcelain d'uccle cockerel, some sumatras, light brahmas hatching soon & sultan bantams hatching soon, as well! Oh and I have some BEAUTIFUL golden laced cochin cockerels...
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I have one rooster, "Barnabus" that turned one year old in July...here is a pic, taken earlier this year:

His lacing is actually much prettier than this picture shows...


I'm asking $25 for the adult & $15 for the juvenile.
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Oh how gorgeous! I definitely would like one of those two handsome lads! We'll have to plan a meeting. How are their temperaments?
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Barnabus, the older one--he is pretty shy--but he's a nice rooster. He will just stay out of your way when you're around him. The smaller version of Barnabus will approach you, eat out of your hand & follow you around the yard...however, both are hard to catch....but are fine once you pick them up. I'll be traveling through the Gorge to Portland for Thanksgiving & could meet you then. Other than that, my handler who lives in Yakima will be meeting me October 11th in Wenatchee & then returning to Yakima that same day....I'm not sure if you're up to traveling to Yakima, or not...but that would be a way to get him to you sooner.


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