Want to get on list for 2015 peacock eggs


What do they auction on Wednesdays? I know they had signs up for a lot of regular weekly auctions, but I didn't pay much attention to them. Saturday was pretty disappointing, we had called last week and spoke to a lady who works there and she even said there could be 50-60 Peas, but as I said there were 8, and only 1 that held any interest for us.
Don't know that I think they should include chickens in an "exotic" auction.
I have never been to an auction i would be so scared to bring something home i did not want.
Spoke with a fella i am getting some feeder pigs from and he was telling me even though you are suppose to have papers on the birds you bring to auction most folks do not so they are told to bring their birds a certain time and a person with papers will take your birds and put them under his papers to get in , i was thinking of going sense i never been but that right there changed my mind, i guess i am just an old chicken
Being scared might be a good idea for my DH anyhow
Plus i have the worst luck when i buy some things
I have now officially decided don't buy birds off of Craigslist in Idaho. I know this is for peafowl but the auction kind of ties into this. I have found some ads that say "Laying Hens", just about all are disappointing. One person I called told me they had 7 Rhode Island Red laying hens. I got there 1 Ameracauna laying hens and 7 Rhode Island Red ROOSTERS! I told them you got 7 Rhode Island Red Roosters. The lady looked me straight in the eyes dead serious and asked, "How can you tell the difference between a rooster and a hen?" I just left right away. Few other places I called I asked how old are the laying hens? Their response, "They're not laying they are 6 years old." Then why did you post "Laying hens" for your ad?! Another place I call they said they had Black Australorp, Sexlink, Buff Orpington, Sexlink. Well I thought okay so they know breeds and colors, had to think for a bit wondering why they listed Sexlink twice until it hit me that they were probably selling Black and Golden Sexlink. I call asking if they Black Australorps. They said, " Are they the ones black with orange on their chest?" I told them no they are solid black. Person responds oh then we have never raised Black Australorps. Some people anger me on Craigslist!
Yep i hear ya
I love those adds that say laying hens for sale 3 to 4 years old and lay every day, you look at their photos and some of them are roosters 15 dollars each . it ain't just craigs list in my parts it is every where, some folks don't know better and buy these birds , some do and lie to get rid of their culls for good money
Haha wow and that is what sites like BYC are for. Educating the bird owner. I know not everyone is into computer stuff, and I certainly am not into social media stuff, but I think BYC is great for informing bird owners. I certainly am always learning from this site.

I haven't bought any birds from a shopper ad or an auction, but I already regret getting some of my birds from small breeders that I think were not keeping track of what their birds were split to. I trust Bird Man about what he says a peafowl is, but unfortunately all of the peafowl I have bought from him were killed by coons. Half of their offspring were killed by coons as well. There must be something tasty about their genetics.
Anyways, Peep and Snow White are the last remaining relatives I have of the pied peacock I had named Dragon, so I really hope that they live long lives.

Aaron and I were working today on getting some fencing put up for a new pen. Before 2015 I want to have green peafowl. That is my goal. Before November 1st I want at least one new pen finished.
I have never been to an auction i would be so scared to bring something home i did not want.
Spoke with a fella i am getting some feeder pigs from and he was telling me even though you are suppose to have papers on the birds you bring to auction most folks do not so they are told to bring their birds a certain time and a person with papers will take your birds and put them under his papers to get in , i was thinking of going sense i never been but that right there changed my mind, i guess i am just an old chicken
Being scared might be a good idea for my DH anyhow
Plus i have the worst luck when i buy some things
A quarantine pen for any purchases and a sink full of bleach/water for your shoes will keep your other birds safe. I have purchased birds from at least a dozen different places and have never brought any diseases home, with those simple precautions.
I keep a pair of plastic crocs outside by the pen door that I wear inside the pen. When Aaron and I visited a poultry show, I told him he was not allowed to wear the same shoes he wore to the poultry show in my peafowl pen. All the birds there looked healthy, but you can never be too careful.
I keep a pair of plastic crocs outside by the pen door that I wear inside the pen. When Aaron and I visited a poultry show, I told him he was not allowed to wear the same shoes he wore to the poultry show in my peafowl pen. All the birds there looked healthy, but you can never be too careful.

X2, wear old shoes so the bleach doesn't ruin a pair you like. Clorox will kill just about everything you could possibly run into.
A quarantine pen for any purchases and a sink full of bleach/water for your shoes will keep your other birds safe. I have purchased birds from at least a dozen different places and have never brought any diseases home, with those simple precautions.
Sorry but you can not bleach a bird so i ain't going
LOL to many things that a bird can carry and seem just fine , i will remain a chicken

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