wanted Sultan eggs or babys


11 Years
Mar 13, 2008
Southern Indiana
I bought some sultans from MM hatchery, all died except for 1. I really want some of these birds. anyone have any or know where to get some?
almost afraid to reply...
i have sultan eggs,,been selling them on eggbid, etc,,,however every time i promise some the girls get wind and stop laying ,,,,lol i am 3 eggs short of my order going out this week,,,if you are in no hurry,,could send them in a week or 2,,,keep looking and let me know,,,will figure out fee from there..
Im still looking but would really love to have some when you get them.
I promise not to tell your girls!! sshhhhh!!

Please just email me when you can.
Thank you!
I got a few from Ideal, and have a few hatched out. As soon as they get a little bigger maybe we can work something out.

Yolanda, thats good, Keep me in mind.
If I remember right your not very far from me at all. I could drive there in a little over half hour.
No problem, hopefully they will all be fine. I had another hatch last night. I think I have one or two more in the incubator. If they hatch, that wil probably be too many.


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