Wanting chickens for our autistic girl

Hi and Welcome to BYC!!! :welcome
I was excited to see your introduction post! My brother has two autistic children (my niece and nephew). Just from personal experience to help you out....my niece has Rett's. She does not do very well with the chickens. Even though I have bantams, they seem to upset her. From what my brother tells me, she has not done well with pet therapy. My nephew, on the other hand, is probably PDD, but he does great with animals and the chickens. I would recommend Silkies or Cochins if you can get them. They are much more mild mannered and can tolerate being cuddled. Other breeds tend to be flighty and it upsets him that they "reject" him. D'Uccles are ok but when they go broody they can get very psychotic. My girls puff up like turkeys and growl which scares my nephew (scared me half to death too when it first happened! :lau)
Hi, new to the group, we're moving house, and the new place has a coop, so we are looking for a couple of laying hens for our little autistic girl. We live in the Geelong region, and can't seem to find out where we can get some chickens from... having them would help her sensory development, especially teaching her how to raise pets, such as feeding etc and collecting their eggs. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi again Adam :frow I saw you found Scrambles's post in the Aussie thread, hope you can find the right birds for your daughter. The link Ribh shared should be helpful too.

I'm in Adelaide with four hens in a suburban backyard and a cat. If you're up for a chat, join in on MJ's little flock and both @Ribh and @BY Bob keep good threads going too.

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