MJ's little flock

I need to learn this trick. I tried it on Dotty yesterday. I held her and she was very calm and then I carefully placed her back on the ground and she spun around and pecked me!
Cheeky miss! My girls don’t do that; they usually waddle off as fast as their little legs will take them!
Cheeky miss! My girls don’t do that; they usually waddle off as fast as their little legs will take them!
Hmmm. Cheeky miss is right. Dotty is the one that follows me pecking my ankles and when I turn to face her she draws herself upright and gives me a 'wanna make something of it?' sort of look.
Hi you two! How are the chicks going? And how have you been lately Grammy?
Hello, our chicks hatched this week and we ended up with 20. Our first person came and picked up 11 chicks Saturday. The rest are in the broader for us.

I'm doing okay, no falls but still wobble often. I go take care of the birds daily and I really enjoy it. I still have headaches most days, my knee is still giving me problems and my wrist 🤷. I'm sure it will get better with time. I do have another angiogram Tuesday and then no more until next year.

How are things going for you and your beautiful girls ? I love seeing them and hearing how they are doing.
Hello, our chicks hatched this week and we ended up with 20. Our first person came and picked up 11 chicks Saturday. The rest are in the broader for us.

I'm doing okay, no falls but still wobble often. I go take care of the birds daily and I really enjoy it. I still have headaches most days, my knee is still giving me problems and my wrist 🤷. I'm sure it will get better with time. I do have another angiogram Tuesday and then no more until next year.

How are things going for you and your beautiful girls ? I love seeing them and hearing how they are doing.
I'm sorry you're going through such a challenging recuperation Grammy. It must be very difficult every day :hugs

Great news about the hatch! They're very cute chicks 🤗

Thanks for asking about the hens!

For another week, the hens are taking probiotics then Mary has a follow up appointment. Her poops have improved a lot and her eyes are happier too. So I think the probiotics are working.

Peggy is thriving, which is amazing considering her liver crisis last year! Mark the vet calls her Super Chook :lau

Janet's new feathers are gradually growing in and she's not such a ragamuffin any more.

Ivy is chugging along just fine, laying 4-5 eggs a week in spite of short days and chilly weather.

I'm busy with work but it's not over the top at present, which is nice :)
Good evening MJ and everyone 😴😊

I'm sorry you're going through such a challenging recuperation Grammy. It must be very difficult every day :hugs

Great news about the hatch! They're very cute chicks 🤗

Thanks for asking about the hens!

For another week, the hens are taking probiotics then Mary has a follow up appointment. Her poops have improved a lot and her eyes are happier too. So I think the probiotics are working.

Peggy is thriving, which is amazing considering her liver crisis last year! Mark the vet calls her Super Chook :lau

Janet's new feathers are gradually growing in and she's not such a ragamuffin any more.

Ivy is chugging along just fine, laying 4-5 eggs a week in spite of short days and chilly weather.

I'm busy with work but it's not over the top at present, which is nice :)
I'm sure some people would say I've had it easy, since my stroke wasn't as bad as some people have. Many of my issues are not easy to see unless you see me daily or often.

These chicks are so cute with their little white bums 😂

I'm so happy everyone is doing so well and the probiotics are doing their job.

That's good about work, busy is good though.

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