Warning: rant.

People do not accept things that they do not understand! Its human nature, its not acceptable.... its close minded.... but that's how our government works now. They try to change the things they don't understand, when enough people who don't understand complain!

That goes for all faucets of life!
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Well, you've just insulted me pretty thoroughly, but I'm not about to flame you over it. That's a bit immature. Yup, you guessed it, I'm a public school teacher (and so are some of the other members on BYC).

I'm sorry that you suffered under teachers who had no sense of how to plan lessons, assess, or how to manage a classroom. I can guarantee you that not all public school teachers are like that.

From some of these homeschool stories, it seems like "not all" homeschool kids get a stellar education either.

Some of the things my colleagues and I do to go out of my way for kids who aren't even ours...

- we buy them winter coats when their parents can't afford them
- we buy them notebooks and pencils and other supplies with our own money (and only $200 is ever reimbursed by the government)
- we put on school dances and events that take away from our weekends and evenings
- we help kids fill out college applications
- we teach immigrant children how to read and write in English (and children of refugees how to use things like stoves and toilets!)
- we tutor
- we take the kids to Planned Parenthood, to Broadway shows, and to the lake (which many have never seen) to get help and to broaden their horizons
- we attend special trainings over the summer and graduate classes in the evening to learn the latest about teaching and learning
- we walk with our student-athletes on Parents' Night and Senior Night when their moms and dads are too busy working to attend the game
- we spend money on fundraisers so the soccer team can have uniforms and the seniors can go on a senior trip

I totally respect all teachers -- whether they are certified or parents -- who want kids to learn and go above and beyond to make that happen. Unfortunately, there bad apples everywhere.

I too am a former teacher. Highschool. I DO have a problem with public schools. Books are incorrect, answers given in the back are wrong (why are they there?)and it leave kids wondering why their right answers seem wrong, teachers (Mostly young ones) don't know enough to correct the books, they can not spell or write tests, they come into a small town and think they know everything and talk down to the local folks and more. I am sure there are good ones out there but my faith in new teachers is pretty low.
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That would be correct. It's always seniors (18 year olds) who can't drive (driver's training is $200+ where we live; a lot of kids can't afford to take it) or don't want their parents to know. We obviously aren't toting minors around without parental consent. Heh.

You'd be surprised at the weird stuff I have to deal with because some parents just don't care (or don't have their own lives in order enough to be able to take the time to care).
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Like in any job, it takes time to get good at it. Teaching can't be taught in a college classroom, unfortunately. You can learn CONTENT in a college classroom, so that you know what to teach, but the people-work side of it has to be learned on the job.

Colleagues who care about new teachers, take them under their wing, guide them, and are kind enough to let new teachers know when they need some help are going to have a stronger, more successful staff than colleagues who say, "Ugh! A newbie!" and turn up their noses and laugh at new teachers' mistakes.

If you were a teacher, you were also a new teacher once. Therefore, it's surprising to me that you could look down on them and not have much empathy.
Personally, I admire you! I'm going to homeschool after this chaotic year is done. This is just ONE example why we are homeschooling after this year.

My sons teacher has two students that speak absolutely no English. She just lets the kids do whatever they want because she can't understand them and they can't understand her. These two migrant boys just disrupt the class all day long and fool around with what's familiar to them. Just so you know, Cubans come here by the 1000's legally. Anyway, in order to communicate with them she has to call in an interpreter. Now, this is a class of 26 YOUNG students. It was OK in Kindergarten, but I got a little miffed with this when it came to First grade. Second grade I went on Prozac because of it. Now I'm just ticked off. It seems like the class is a big joke or social event. Nothing but chaos. I got so aggravated that I can not go into my sons class anymore to volunteer. I got his current teacher into trouble because I told the front desk how aggavated she is about the students that have no clue what she's talking about. I told them off about sticking children that just got into this country and just sticking them into a class with no means of communication or understanding of the academics. Overall, I made it clear it wasn't fair to the teacher or the students. Maybe I was a little loud, but that is a distant maybe. I wrote a nasty letter to the superintendent as to why I WILL be homeschooling next year. Which I had to do anyway. Ahhh my blood pressure is up.

Anyway, more power to you. I know what page you're on. I hear that crap all the time when I discuss it with my friends. They view home school as if I'm trapping my kid in the kitchen with tons of paperwork. As if.
Hollie ; pull them.

Pull them as soon as you can. It will be a big benefit not only to them, but to you as well. That's absolutely ridiculous! What does the system do about it? Nothing, I'm sure.


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