Was Not Ready!


5 Years
Jun 25, 2014
I set 49 Coturnix eggs that were supposed to hatch Thursday. I went down this afternoon to check the humidity and Boom 28 had already hatched today. I was not ready as I was going to get stuff (marbles for waterer, shelving material,etc) tomorrow. So I have moved them into a plastic tote, lined it with paper towels and turned on the heat lamp. They have food and water so we'll see if they make it through tonight. At least one more is trying to hatch out now.

BTW, hello everyone and nice to meet you. These are eggs that I gathered from my adults that I have. This is my first time trying to hatch any. Hope the rest goes well.
Thats what i did. And all 7 lived. Been 6 days and the largest is already getting a bunch of beginner feathers
I set 49 Coturnix eggs that were supposed to hatch Thursday. I went down this afternoon to check the humidity and Boom 28 had already hatched today. I was not ready as I was going to get stuff (marbles for waterer, shelving material,etc) tomorrow. So I have moved them into a plastic tote, lined it with paper towels and turned on the heat lamp. They have food and water so we'll see if they make it through tonight. At least one more is trying to hatch out now.

BTW, hello everyone and nice to meet you. These are eggs that I gathered from my adults that I have. This is my first time trying to hatch any. Hope the rest goes well.


What day were the eggs on? That can be quite a surprise if you're not expecting chicks! They are usually chirping loudly so that is a good clue that you got babies.
They hatched at day 16. I have had six more hatch out since my original post. I checked when I came home today and they had hatched out while I was at work. BTW, yes they are loud. I had forgotten just how much so :)
Congrats! The earliest hatch I had was on Day 14! While I'm trying to lock down the incubator :) They're so cute when they're chicks - i wish they just stayed that size forever and never grew up to be stinky LOL
I am using a forced air Hovabator. After this morning I only had 9 of 49 that had not hatched so I left them in to see what happens. I was only hoping for maybe a 50% hatch rate so I was a little overwhelmed. Oh well I guess we will eat good in a couple of weeks.
The last nine did not hatch while I was at work today. How long should I leave them in for?
I have heard of chicks hatching up to the 20th day. I don't think it's that common but if you really wanted to you could wait it out.

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