Was so mad I nearly beat my roo to death.

I completely understand how the OP felt... she was attacked and she reacted. Fight or Flight... right?

I've had my share of mean nasty roosters and I don't think they did a better job of protecting the hens than the respectful well behaved roosters we currently have. Around here mean roos go to freezer camp.
I just came back from a well-deserved 2 week vacation. While away my rooster decided to test my house sitter. Before I left I told the house sitter to do what he had to do in order to care for the birds. I warned him that my roo had been known to be human aggressive and that a quick nudge with your boot usually resolved the issue. Unfortunately, the roo decided that the house sitter was persona non grata and attacked him mercilessly until the sitter had to beat him back with a stick and shield (trash can lid). By the time I came back the roo had pretty much made it impossible for the house sitter to care for the birds at all. This seals the roo's fate- in the spring he will go into the pot.

Sometimes we would like to think we are above losing our tempers and will always treat our animals in the most respectful manner possible, but the reality is that when you have 8 lbs of completely ticked off, leaping, flogging, flapping, screaming creature attacking you, you may not react entirely appropriately. I don't think the OP is intentionally cruel or abusive, and having fellow BYCers saying so is hurtful and not at all helpful to the situation. We all snap sometimes. I can't think of better provocation than being openly attacked by an animal you spend time and money to feed and care for. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you...

So, to the OP- Your roo should make a nice dinner. Nothing tastes better than an animal that has been irritating you for months.

To everyone else- Lighten up. We'd all like to be perfect all the time, but it isn't likely to happen anytime soon. The OP needs our support and commiseration, not jibes and grief.

Good luck.
WOW.. just get rid of the poor animal, why bash its head aganist a wall...

Not somethng i'd be bragging about doing to a helpless animal...
Me, too.

If you can't deal with a rooster in a calm, effective and humane way, why have one?
To me it would be akin to having a dog that you are afraid of, so you keep it tied up in the backyard and nobody socializes with it. Why keep it? Find someone that actually wants the dog and will allow it to live a real life, not be a possession.

It really disturbs me that people are so blase about "carrying a stick to hit their rooster" or "give him a kick across the pen" or "whack his head against the roost".

If anyone on this board saw another human do this to a dog, a cat, horse or another human - everyone would be outraged.

I am constantly amazed that it is OK and "even approved" to do this to a small bird.

Yep..its disturbing... kinda like beating up a defenseless toddler or somethig...
If you cant control your temper with an animal... then please do the right thing and cull it or re-home it. What a shame..
as a mom of 7 kids, never has one of my toddlers attacked my head from behind.

i know how sneaky these roosters can be, and they always catch you by surprise.

i know which pens to carry that wiffle bat into and they still surprise me.

it is NOT an over reaction to send a bird flying in the opposite direction when he has attacked from behind
it is not akin to child abuse, as alluded.

it is called SELF DEFENSE.

and to suggest that you would not hurl something attacking you from behind in the opposite direction as hard as you can, so sorry if you whack your head, is LUDICROUS.

these are dumb animals.

i love them to pieces, but they do not rule the coop.

I DO, I BOUGHT YOU, I FED YOU, cleaned your poopy but, and you are not allowed to hurt me.

the end. leave her alone.
I think cabin fever has gotten a lot of people bored.

If you can't remember to use the report button like you know how to, just walk away.
wow, what a lynching...

i think the OP did a good job... i would've done the same thing... sometimes, you don't think, you just react... you read what other people say about hitting, kicking, brooming, whatever so the roo learns, and it doesn't always come out as planed... but what's done is done, and hopefully he learned his lesson...

i have hit my dog in the face with a frisbie before on accident... LOL... i was trying to show him to play... but i don't think anyone would call it abuse... if she would've done it with a broom and he still would've wacked his head on the wall or something, i think she still would've gotten lynched the way she did...

to the OP... you did a good job... keep up the good work... and if he gets out of hand again... kill him and eat him... just don't abuse him... HAHAHAHAHHAKJfksjdkfl;aj;fkjaksdfjsdf;ajsfd...
Eat him.

I have one on borrowed time at the moment. He pecks and 'shapes up' at hens, chases them away from food and generally causes trouble. He's one of a pair and the pullet is about to start laying. Soon as I hatch some he's history. I'll pick a nice son out to keep.

He should be grateful DH likes him, I'd have eaten him weeks ago.

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