Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Thanks Travis and Matt. I see one Hamburg with a peck mark over its eye which I may well put in with the bantams for now.

And I think I was wrong about the straight combs, I'm going to have to look more closely when I handle them tonight. Darn this presbyopia, anyway.
Well folks wish me luck. First ever batch of shipped eggs just moved to the hatcher. Due on Friday. 18 Langshan large fowl eggs.

Good Luck!!!
Oh, good. The BLRW's headed straight to the old bad place for a nest: up in the corner where the wire is bent around a post and buried under ground, where I have to scoot between the pasture fence (three layers of wire) and the coop to get to them. The end of a perfect day, which has also included bonking myself on the head with my heavy wood shepherd's crook.


ETA Also I broke my oldest most favorite coffee cup, and here is a photo to show what I so inadequately explained.


Stupidly placed, seriously overbuilt, inefficient in both materials and labor, but at least it looks like a chicken coop, so people know I'm serious. I prefer the plastic and wire runs, and so do the birds, apparently.

The really extra fun thing is that my topsoil is coal black, high in charcoal, iron, and decomposed oak leaves, so the egg Anni-Frid laid yesterday is stained black. Have to figure out how to stop this tomorrow, when I have almost no time at all.
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Corn on the cob, It was left over and covered in corn when i hung it.

Oscar and zeus chilling together. Zeus (the brown one) is only 15 weeks old. :)

Daisy (a muscovy duck) going for her first walk ever. Used an old small dog harness.
Cute pics thanks for sharing

PRAISE THE LORD, PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!! We finally got someone to talk to us. I won't go into the details but needless to say, today we got an email, with conditions, that we can have chickens as pets in the Yelm city limits. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
Way to stick with it!!!!! Congratulations
Good Luck with you Jack-wagon of a neighbor

Thought I should post an update, my three chicks are doing well and getting larger everyday! It's amazing how quickly the grow! Here are a few pictures from last week

I'm still on the fence about keeping them and need to make up my mind ASAP. I'm just worried about the neighbors. For the most part I don't think anyone will care as long as they don't get too noisy. My backyard is TINY, 40' x 30' and everyone can see right in. I have a coop picked out and need to order it if I'm going to keep them. Otherwise my husband's coworker will take them.

Here's the backyard. I am planning on putting the coop along the fence where that metal stock tank is. So the coop will be roughly 30' from my bedroom window and about the same distance to several of my neighbor's windows. What do you think? Too close?

Love the Pics! Go with a nicely built,small,cute coop that blends in and I bet you won't have a problem
thank you everyone, what it comes down too, is I guess people were killing and eating chickens in the city limits, and people complained. So they said if we are using them as food sources then NO, since the law is hazy about having "pets" because pets isn't clearly defined, it just says domestic or wild animals, being kept for pleasure, companionship, or utilitarian purposes, we CAN have them. But just like any animal you own, if they are a nuisense they have to go :( The problem I see coming though is that our neighbor has been a nightmare since we moved into our house a year ago, literally from day one telling us what to do with our yard, and that we should spray for weeds and pests, even though I had 3 kids at the time and a dog, now 4 kids and 2 dogs. I refused and he got mad. Then he asked us if we wanted a tree he was getting rid of, we are busy people and never answered him, I come out one morning to find this **** thing, planted in my front yard. After telling him to move it and him raining nasty words and insults at us, he finally moved it, and then complained to us that it was ugly where HE decided to replant it. Never fixed the giant hole in our front lawn, then he kept demanding we remove a bush that wasn't even on his property because he wanted curbing put in.......... the bush was no where near it and the hole he made from digging it up is still sitting there, not fixed. and I'm pretty sure he's the one that tried to get us in trouble for having chickens when he didn't even know for sure if we had them. My 8 yr old told their 10 yr old. Whatever. But he's always up in our business, everytime my husband builds something, WHAT ARE YOU BUILDING, What that large tent thing on the side of your house, is that a coop, who's ever heard of a chicken coop tent???? We told him it was our storage shed for the lawn mower etc. which he then asks, is it a work shed, I swear, this guy is a public nusience :( I just see him trying to cause issues for us, even though his annoying little dogs, yap at us the entire time we are in our yard. I really hope this doesn't turn into feuding neighbors :(

hello im new here and im in clark county Washington

My little roo 7 wk, cream legbar from GFF. I think he looks pretty good and want to keep him;
depends on how loud he gets, LOL.
Very Nice!!!
Well folks wish me luck. First ever batch of shipped eggs just moved to the hatcher. Due on Friday. 18 Langshan large fowl eggs.
Good Luck Matt!
You'll be fine
Just ordered this chicken coop and I hope it gets here soon as I'm ready for the chicks to be OUT of my laundry room. I think the slide out tray will be handy. I've been reading about what type of litter to use and I think with the tray I'll use a combo of sand and sweet pdz (hopefully can find it locally). Not sure what to use on the bottom level though. Maybe straw? I would like something that is easily compostable and can handle getting a little wet. Open to suggestions. Also, I read on this thread about X-cel feed out of Tacoma. I'm almost through my bag of medicated purina start and grow. Does X-cel sell a feed that I should use for my chicks, or should I stick with the purina starter? And, is the X-cel stuff worth a separate drive?
Just ordered this chicken coop and I hope it gets here soon as I'm ready for the chicks to be OUT of my laundry room.

I think the slide out tray will be handy. I've been reading about what type of litter to use and I think with the tray I'll use a combo of sand and sweet pdz (hopefully can find it locally). Not sure what to use on the bottom level though. Maybe straw? I would like something that is easily compostable and can handle getting a little wet. Open to suggestions.

Also, I read on this thread about X-cel feed out of Tacoma. I'm almost through my bag of medicated purina start and grow. Does X-cel sell a feed that I should use for my chicks, or should I stick with the purina starter? And, is the X-cel stuff worth a separate drive?

That coop looks familiar, I think someone else in the area got one last year. If you use sand, and clean it daily there's no need for pdz. If straw gets wet you'll have problems. I have about 5" of sand (coarse sand is best) and it works very well. I clean both areas every morning, it takes about 10 min. I use a cat litter scoop that has a long handle, about 14" maybe. I dump the waste into a plastic trash can along with dry leaves from my yard. After it sits in there for about 6 months (kept damp) it's great compost for my garden. I got the sand from a pit, it was $15 cu. yard, which is 2 pickup truck loads. I keep extra in a couple of rubbermaid tubs so I have some to supplement as needed.

ETA: I think you're going to have problems reaching underneath that coop to clean. You might consider altering the wire on the front to be a hinged "screen door" so you can open it and reach in.
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87F two weeks ago, and a high of 60F today... well, I could be living in a tent (as I've done, on purpose, more than one late May- Early June in my life) so it could be much worse, but... dayum.

Chicks fine, old dogs complaining of the cold, and there's a whole lot to be said for heat you can just switch on, isn't there?

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