Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

On the BYC Home page, is a carousel that rotates through various subjects.
There is a new one there entitled "Chickens in the Garden" and features a picture of mine, my Blue Copper marans in my garden, from 2 years ago.........I commented that it was my photo but I didn't mind the author had used it, that I was almost flattered & that I had many more such photos if she wanted to use any and a few tips how I range my birds in my garden.
The post was deleted !
yet my photo is still there being used...I am miffed, should I be mad about this ???????
Kinda seems almost rude to me...?
What did I DO WRONG ??????????

These are some of the photos:
This first photo is the one that is on the carousel...

I sent a PM to the BYC mod in charge of the article...asking what I did wrong to have my comment deleted from the bottom of the article...weird.

Absolutely beautiful...I feel bad for my birds we live in the high desert and they do not get all that beautiful foliage.
You know, no matter what else happens, it's always nice to have the option of using a weed-eater the first week in June.

Wish I had one. The grass has gotten away from the sheep.

One dead rat stuck wiggling under the door into Deary's day cage this morning, no missing spilled grain under any of my stations... wonder how long that'll last? I'm contemplating hardening my heart and getting some of the farm cats, although they'd have to be neutered; if I make a hardened sleeping area, give them water all the time and food enough to keep them growing, and don't name them, maybe they'll get the rats under control before the coyotes get them. The pack ran through here last night at full wail, through the lower gate and up past the northwest corner of the orchard according to the tracks (and woke me up most of the way about 12:30am); maybe I need to get an Airdale when the old dogs shuffle off this mortal coil, if not a LGD. I don't want an LGD; I want a rodent control dog big enough the coyotes won't get it..

One of the Blue Quail d'Anver's chicks, the oldest, biggest one( all of half the size of the Hamburg chicks), pretty clearly a cockerel, has moved into the bin with what I was sure were Hamburg pullets (it's looking like I'm 4/5 right in that bin). I was supposed to be clearing the ground for the outdoor brooder today, but I can't remember to bring the shovel back to where I need to level the ground when I walk across the lawn to get it: I need sleep, I do. They're all very cute, growing fast, getting more clearly cockerels and hens- I think it's half and half for the d'Anvers and maybe six pullets and four cockerels for the Hamburgs but maybe t'other way round.

I'm going to need to find a home for two straight-comb Hamburg females, one from last year and one from this; they are just as prettily marked and the elder is as dependable a layer as the rosecombs, but I can't see keeping them and also making a younger breeding pen this fall. Will be selling all but two from this batch of pullets, by type, size, and temprement: I'll be hatching another incubator as soon as I have twenty eggs of any sort, although it may be all Hamburgs and Ameraucana/Austalorps unless I can figure out {I'm pretty sure I didn't use any actual swear words here, but one of the charms of the BYC is they're stricter than the teachers at my kid's old LCMS grade school :rolleyes: } is going on with the Wyandottes (no shells in the cage, no wet beaks, and no rat sign in the cage, ARGH). Not keeping any cockerels, probably putting them on CL at six weeks unless there's a miracle one with a good tail.

I'll be selling/giving away all three of the Blue Quail cockerels, and probably selling two pullets, i just don't know which ones. Keeping for later consideration a Splash Quail cockerel (who hatched from the tiniest egg and has been a Teeny Little Super Guy from the beginning), hoping the Silver Quail is a pullet, which would be a definite keep (I apparently really like silver chickens?) what does that leave? One plain Quail, which, no thanks, got one, one Black and one White, which Kristen wants if I don't.

Actually, now that I think of it, I was supposed to build a clipping table today. Well, that didn't happen.

Sleep typing, sorry.
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You know, no matter what else happens, it's always nice to have the option of using a weed-eater the first week in June.

Wish I had one. The grass has gotten away from the sheep.

One dead rat stuck wiggling under the door into Deary's day cage this morning, no missing spilled grain under any of my stations... wonder how long that'll last? I'm contemplating hardening my heart and getting some of the farm cats, although they'd have to be neutered; if I make a hardened sleeping area, give them water all the time and food enough to keep them growing, and don't name them, maybe they'll get the rats under control before the coyotes get them. The pack ran through here last night at full wail, through the lower gate and up past the northwest corner of the orchard according to the tracks (and woke me up most of the way about 12:30am); maybe I need to get an Airdale when the old dogs shuffle off this mortal coil, if not a LGD. I don't want an LGD; I want a rodent control dog big enough the coyotes won't get it..

One of the Blue Quail d'Anver's chicks, the oldest, biggest one( all of half the size of the Hamburg chicks), pretty clearly a cockerel, has moved into the bin with what I was sure were Hamburg pullets (it's looking like I'm 4/5 right in that bin). I was supposed to be clearing the ground for the outdoor brooder today, but I can't remember to bring the shovel back to where I need to level the ground when I walk across the lawn to get it: I need sleep, I do. They're all very cute, growing fast, getting more clearly cockerels and hens- I think it's half and half for the d'Anvers and maybe six pullets and four cockerels for the Hamburgs but maybe t'other way round.

I'm going to need to find a home for two straight-comb Hamburg females, one from last year and one from this; they are just as prettily marked and the elder is as dependable a layer as the rosecombs, but I can't see keeping them and also making a younger breeding pen this fall. Will be selling all but two from this batch of pullets, by type, size, and temprement: I'll be hatching another incubator as soon as I have twenty eggs of any sort, although it may be all Hamburgs and Ameraucana/Austalorps unless I can figure out {I'm pretty sure I didn't use any actual swear words here, but one of the charms of the BYC is they're stricter than the teachers at my kid's old LCMS grade school
} is going on with the Wyandottes (no shells in the cage, no wet beaks, and no rat sign in the cage, ARGH). Not keeping any cockerels, probably putting them on CL at six weeks unless there's a miracle one with a good tail.

I'll be selling/giving away all three of the Blue Quail cockerels, and probably selling two pullets, i just don't know which ones. Keeping for later consideration a Splash Quail cockerel (who hatched from the tiniest egg and has been a Teeny Little Super Guy from the beginning), hoping the Silver Quail is a pullet, which would be a definite keep (I apparently really like silver chickens?) what does that leave? One plain Quail, which, no thanks, got one, one Black and one White, which Kristen wants if I don't.

Actually, now that I think of it, I was supposed to build a clipping table today. Well, that didn't happen.

Sleep typing, sorry.
Hey SF, not to interfere, but have you ever thought about cutting back on your activities? Sometimes it just makes sense to back off a bit. (Like me, I have had to cut back a lot, I ain't as young as I once was you know) Perhaps there are those that would like to raise some chickens or such but don't have the space but would be willing to do chores for the use of your spaces?
Hey SF, not to interfere, but have you ever thought about cutting back on your activities? Sometimes it just makes sense to back off a bit. (Like me, I have had to cut back a lot, I ain't as young as I once was you know) Perhaps there are those that would like to raise some chickens or such but don't have the space but would be willing to do chores for the use of your spaces?

Been looking for exactly that: so far no luck.

Today started badly because my husband woke me up at 5am to tell me we had no water and, it being June, it was too light for me to get back to sleep. Today was extra hard because I kept forgetting what I was supposed to be doing; I tried to take a nap twice but it's not one of my known skills.

Remember that Himself is teetering on the edge of total disability, so if it's going to get done, I'm the one who has to do it. Stuff like blackberries and grass and rats and falling branches and plumbing repairs and so on and so on, checking cattle and fences and all the rest of routine farm and garden maintenence is my job, always has been. And since I had several season ending injuries back between 1999 and 2010, there's horrific problems- blackberries, rat infestation, freaking plum root suckers- that were kept up with before I broke myself, and then got entirely out of control before I healed up. My kids always had jobs during high school and my son put himself through college, and now they've got normal lives and help when they can.

Chickens are the least of my problems; I need something to be interested in so I don't go nuts. Nutser, I guess. The dogs (15 and 16, remember) are more work than the chicks could ever be, and twice as expensive as all the chickens put together.

And I love this place: this is home. I hate every thing I tried before I came back to farming thirty plus years ago. There's no way to get any money out, anyway, it's in undivided interest between six people who can't agree on pizza toppings.
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On the BYC Home page, is a carousel that rotates through various subjects.
There is a new one there entitled "Chickens in the Garden" and features a picture of mine, my Blue Copper marans in my garden, from 2 years ago.........I commented that it was my photo but I didn't mind the author had used it, that I was almost flattered & that I had many more such photos if she wanted to use any and a few tips how I range my birds in my garden.
The post was deleted !
yet my photo is still there being used...I am miffed, should I be mad about this ???????
Kinda seems almost rude to me...?
What did I DO WRONG ??????????

These are some of the photos:
This first photo is the one that is on the carousel...

I sent a PM to the BYC mod in charge of the article...asking what I did wrong to have my comment deleted from the bottom of the article...weird.

Hi Robin...
If the author of the article is not the owner of BYC and they do not have your permission to use the photo I believe there is a problem. It may not be technically illegal, but they are infringing on your ownership/copyright. Is that pic still on your account? Delete it. If it still shows up in their article, they have stolen a copy of it. But.... if it's the BYC owners that took the photo, that may be another issue. They may have claimed the right to use any photo that's loaded onto their site. You'd have to check. And whichever it was, the polite thing to do would at least say Please and Thank You. But regardless.... THAT WAS RUDE and I'd be miffed for sure.
These Garden pics are making me very sad. The last spell of rain we had litterally washed most of my seeds out of the dirt:( I still have a little hope.. I have a few trays of start in my mini green house... Hoping to replant them.

Im doing a potato tower this year so kinda excited to see how it works out . So far it looks good :)

I have some plastic like you have in your picture CL:) Maybe Ill do some hoop tops over my veggie starts in the ground...

It really looks awesome. You should do a class and charge a fee :)

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