Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I just took a bunch of photos of the eighteen chicks in the hall bathroom, and it looks as if I've got *maybe* four out of ten Hamburg pullets and I hope, maybe, if I squint just right, two out of eight Barbu d'Anvers. I am, as the in kids say on the internets, disappoint. And beset with baby roosters.


For instance: this was my first sort for possible Hamburg Pullets (plus a bossy little Blue Quail d'Anvers cockerel who basically has been in charge of the world since he hatched) and there are at least two SSH cockerels here: the one on the far right has a 100% male back pattern and his comb is bright red.

Also to note: these SSH chicks are about four days ahead of the hen-raised ones from last year, but they are also relatively crazy compared to those chicks, which were their full siblings (and those pullets grew up to be slightly larger than the hens that were their egg parents). I was in and out of the cage with those chicks two or three times a day and picked them up regularly- I can't even stand quietly and photograph this bunch without them trying to escape through the walls of their bins. The Australorp broody I got from Kate is sweet and calm and unafraid of humans and I can only assume she was a good influence.

The other thing is that it looks as if one of my d'Anvers pullets make a pretty Silver Quail pair with that cockerel. At least Bantams don't need giant pens? Or at least then I can sacrifice and sell the pair as a pair?
Not going fishing today as planned...........

Never did get around to doing an overhaul/charge the battery on the boat...so it has been sitting since last year & needs to be 'gone through' before we put in.lest we get out in the Bay & find rattas on board making a big nest under the bow hatch~~~~~~~~a nest of life preserver foam~~
Oh man, let's hope not !

So, back to work in the house !

NOTE: his Sat & Sunday (8th & 9th) Is Washington State's FREE FISHING Days...no need to have a license these 2 days but you still must follow rules set forth by WSDF&W.
I am SO there!!!

Gah I hate the stress of shipping birds. Got my new arrivals today but 7 hours later than they were supposed to be. Will be so glad when I finish acquiring stock.
^^ Hang in there! PS pix plox
Lost our first hen last week. I know its part of having chickens, but it makes me sad. This flock hatched within a day or so of us conceiving, so I've been watching them as they grow and thinking about the baby growing...

All the rain is helping our raised beds. We got everything in the ground last week and it was looking pretty peaked for a while. I think we lost a whole row of cucumbers, but everything else appears to be bouncing back.

I'm so sorry for your loss. But you're right, she had a great life.
I'm so sorry for your loss. But you're right, she had a great life.

Thank you. We're struggling with feeling like we failed her, Mr. Bear feels especially guilty. We're both very silly sentimental people, so we're taking it hard. I was thinking it might be nice to plant a rosebush by her resting place in the back yard, though.
Hello everyone!

hope I am doing this right, not one for forum posts but warming up. So I hope I have come to the right place, I live in Vancouver Wa. within city limits and as we all know "NO ROOSTERS", I unfortunately during the formation of my current flock was the unsuspecting recipient of one beautiful Australorp rooster chick who has now 4 months later grown into a Big boy who loves to wake up the flock at the break of dawn, surprisingly not noisy the rest of the day as I have read they get. Anyway the point is, I now have a very healthy and beautiful rooster that desperately needs a new home outside of city limits. So if there are any of you near my area who have room and can legally house a rooster, he is up for grabs. Free to good home as some might say, but he does need to go fast, I don't want to anger the neighbors as they have not given me any grief about my chickens, but this guy might force change and nobody likes change.

So if any of you would like or know someone who would like him please PM me ASAP, if it's within a reasonable distance I will bring him to you for the sake of saving his life.

Anybody need a bag full of feathers???
All the littles are doing their juvenile molt, my EE is still shedding feathers for some unknown reason, and my Barnie decided to join in the fun! What a mess! I need a herd of little kids that love soft fluffy things to come by every morning and stuff their little pockets full. Wouldn't their mom's just love me for that?

I'll be happy when they're done, and happier when the new girls start laying. I'm feeding 5 birds and getting zero eggs. sigh.

Loving this weather, I hope we're done with the dismal dreary stuff. I feel so much better when there's some sun and some warmth and I can go out and enjoy all the growing things. Even the weeds look better on a pretty day.

reynolds19k -- Jonathan, Welcome to the Washington Group, hope you can stick around and get to know us. This is a nice group.
Have you tried listing your roo on CraigsList. There are just too many roos and not enough homes. Sad, because they're such pretty boys and useful, too.

Matt.... nice pics, pretty roo, what breed is he?

To everyone else.... enjoy the day and remember to take a deep breath every now and then!
Carolyn, he is a White Langshan cock (I don't raise marsupials), just got the pair flown in from Ohio but the hen is a little camera shy and torn up/rough looking from being in breeding pen.

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