Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I need to drag you down to Portland to Fabric Depot some day, it's a religious experience for seamstresses: twice, possibly three times the size of the westside Joanne's and ALL fabrics, well about 10,000 kinds of buttons and lots of findings and trim but no craft stuff- no silk flowers, plastic vases, random florist's supplies, et'c: just sewing stuff. The only thing better is Britex in San Francisco: seven floors! A whole floor of remnants!

I'll hold you to that! Perhaps even be able to come and help get some chores done just so you CAN do that! Brace is leaving my neck VERY soon now!

Probably not between now and July 27th, is all. One of the things that bug me about weddings is how they eat every minute they're given, and then some.

Also, ha ha. I forgot to turn off two sprinklers, best go deal with that little thing now.

Maybe it'll inspire me to come up with something that I want to eat which is not Jumping Squid from Chili Thai or some other absolutely unavailable substance.
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Hey All!!
I just found this thread!! I live in Bothell Wa and have 6 chickens......I am new to this... so wondering if anyone else is around my area.......

Hey there!

I'm an hour or so away down in Port Orchard, welcome to the forum! I'm pretty new here myself, but don't worry, I'm sure you'll recieve a great welcome just like I did!

What kind of chickens do you own?
Hey All!!
I just found this thread!! I live in Bothell Wa and have 6 chickens......I am new to this... so wondering if anyone else is around my area.....

I live in Carnation and have Black Copper Marans, Blue and Blue Copper Marans, Wheaten Marans, Lav Orps, a couple of Legbar roosters and hopefully soon hens, and assorted layers .... plus a sheep farm! Welcome !!
Thanks for the great welcome!!! I am really enjoying this site so far. I have 2 rhode island reds, 1 rhode island white, 1 black sexlink, 1 silver laced Wyandotte, 1 brahma,. They are absolutely beautiful hens! I have a coop in my backyard, and let them range in the backyard for anywhere from 1-8 hours a day. I am consistently getting about 4 egss a day but one of my hens has a broken leg :( and one isn't laying yet due to her age....

If it was up to me I would have a FARM but my wife wont let me... lol We live in a new housing development in Bothell and I kind of SNEAK the chickens... haha

They are so much fun! I don't give them a ton of left overs right now other than cabbage and corn, but I would like info from you all on WHAT to feed them other than the laying feed.

Thanks all!
So I'm looking at Facebook and I notice an ad for their Rare Breed Chicken Auction site. I click the link. I notice there is a listing for Spitz eggs. I'm curious, so I look to see what the parent birds look like, and I see a picture of some of MY birds. It seems this explitive deleted has been using my picture on EBay, too. He's taken down his auctions on both sites. I've saved a search on EBay for Spitz eggs. If he tries it again there, I'll know, and complain to the proper powers that be. I couldn't post on the FB site because I'm not a member of that page. I contacted a friend who is a member. She posted that he was using other people's pictures. He called her the "C" word on his FB page. He told me to stop crying and put on my big girl panties. What an @#$%%^&*!
I often wonder where these guys come from....I was looking on craigslist and there is a guy who is selling street sweeper brushes for 150.00. So, i got mine from a local feed store for 35.00. *They get these for FREE*.....So maybe i was a bit out of line since folks can ask anything they wish, but i asked why so much when he could still make good money asking a more reasonable amount. He went off on me with similar verbage. It wouldn't be so bad, but friends say he hangs around the sweeper yards limiting others from getting them.

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