Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Oh, also wanted to say~
I can eat whole eggs in baked goods, as in breads.
I then did some HB eggs and ate a few with no issues.

I have heard years ago that a raw egg (both parts) is a chemically different thing from a cooked egg (both parts) and this cooked egg requires both parts to form a "Complete Protein" and what alot of body building & nutrition sites call "An ideal protein"
But, alone, the yolk is not complete, as alone the white is not complete either.
Both are required together to make this "ideal protein" in which body builders are urged to consume within 20 minutes of weight lifting, in order to build lean muscle.

I am ascared to eat a fried egg over east, though, as this raw yolk is probably what made me ill...the good ol'immunal system was quite perturbed at this protein in the gut, thinking it an invader, will attack the gut & scaled it as hallerlake's attacks her lungs.

So, it is deviled eggs for me !!!!!!!!!
Matt meant to tell you the Crele Leghorn cockerel is alive & well...has a cushion comb however, a product of R/C Leghorn and P/C Albertan (Chantecler)
He is a nice bird, getting really pretty.
Not sure if I have a need/use for him though.
I have his barred sisters to breed back to their sire....so I will not breed brother to these sisters.
I can get a photo of him if you'd like.

Right now I have to go sand down a floor & get it ready for hardwood.
At least it is a sit down job !


I'd be curious to see picture of him. I wonder what it would take to get rid of that cushion comb and replace it with a RC or SC?
I'm so glad you can eat fully cooked eggs. That keeps a lot of foods available to you.

Oh, also wanted to say~
I can eat whole eggs in baked goods, as in breads.
I then did some HB eggs and ate a few with no issues.

I have heard years ago that a raw egg (both parts) is a chemically different thing from a cooked egg (both parts) and this cooked egg requires both parts to form a "Complete Protein" and what alot of body building & nutrition sites call "An ideal protein"
But, alone, the yolk is not complete, as alone the white is not complete either.
Both are required together to make this "ideal protein" in which body builders are urged to consume within 20 minutes of weight lifting, in order to build lean muscle.

I am ascared to eat a fried egg over east, though, as this raw yolk is probably what made me ill...the good ol'immunal system was quite perturbed at this protein in the gut, thinking it an invader, will attack the gut & scaled it as hallerlake's attacks her lungs.

So, it is deviled eggs for me !!!!!!!!!   :drool
I'd be curious to see picture of him. I wonder what it would take to get rid of that cushion comb and replace it with a RC or SC?
Here is pics I just took...and hard to get them to stand still !

Daddy "Buster" in all his gorgeous glory...pea comb & all.

Son of a LBL Momma & Buster~

Left to Right:
Buster, then son, then a Blue Copper Marans cockerel

L to R:
Far left is part of the barred sister that will be bred back to Buster, and then the crele son again~ NOTE his white earlobes, yellow skin & tail that is very leghornish

Buster is mature, and I feel this son will get to be the same size but be lighter as a leghorn is~
(see the son to far upper right)

Son again....having leftover penne (LOL) and note his saddle hackle & male pretail feathers that are lighter..............I am expecting him to be absolutely stunning at maturity !
To get back to S/C or R/C depends on which type you want.
Then you breed him to females of the comb you desire, R/C I think will be easiest, and then hatch eggs and breed back barred (crele) females with the appropriate comb back to him....best thing is to ask around, ask an expert as I do & see what they would do.
Buster, has an absolutely perfect type, and awesome long back & correct tail set....as well as the necessary "hood" over his eyelids as Albertans do.
The son has no such hooded eye.

Note the heavy lid Hood over his eye here.
This bird below, is the great grandfather, the original Crele sport.
His name was Phoenix, and you can here see the hoodlike upper eyelid,
Also note how I am breeding more vibrant color into Phoenix's offspring.
Phoenix however, had a nice cushion comb...Buster was hatched with a pea comb, darn it....so I continue to work on this breed, and will no doubt have more cast offs in the future.

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Here is pics I just took...and hard to get them to stand still !

Daddy "Buster" in all his gorgeous glory...pea comb & all.

Son of a LBL Momma & Buster~

Left to Right:
Buster, then son, then a Blue Copper Marans cockerel

L to R:
Far left is part of the barred sister that will be bred back to Buster, and then the crele son again~ NOTE his white earlobes, yellow skin & tail that is very leghornish

Buster is mature, and I feel this son will get to be the same size but be lighter as a leghorn is~
(see the son to far upper right)

Son again....having leftover penne (LOL) and note his saddle hackle & male pretail feathers that are lighter..............I am expecting him to be absolutely stunning at maturity !
To get back to S/C or R/C depends on which type you want.
Then you breed him to females of the comb you desire, R/C I think will be easiest, and then hatch eggs and breed back barred (crele) females with the appropriate comb back to him....best thing is to ask around, ask an expert as I do & see what they would do.
Buster, has an absolutely perfect type, and awesome long back & correct tail set....as well as the necessary "hood" over his eyelids as Albertans do.
The son has no such hooded eye.

Note the heavy lid Hood over his eye here.
This bird below, is the great grandfather, the original Crele sport.
His name was Phoenix, and you can here see the hoodlike upper eyelid,
Also note how I am breeding more vibrant color into Phoenix's offspring.
Phoenix however, had a nice cushion comb...Buster was hatched with a pea comb, darn it....so I continue to work on this breed, and will no doubt have more cast offs in the future.


I like Buster's type, nice Chanteclers. I like seeing more breeds out there in the Crele pattern, it's one of my favorites.
Yes, what are you finding?

I've had weasel issues for a few weeks. It's gotten 3 birds. I could see drag marks where it pulled the bodies and you could tell because of the damage it did to the two birds it couldn't drag out of the pens. The holes it dug under the wall were much wider and bigger than rats dig. There are no more rats out there. There are voles over by the coop, the cats got one today. I've put down pavers along the wall to help deter the thing and set the live trap and made a weasel box.

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