Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I think I will talk to Animal Control personally and see what she suggests. I have known her for years. She helps my friends who have guide dogs deal with any issues that come up. I will be getting a guide dog at the end of the summer.
Just cleaned out the brooder, and made it bigger. It is now 3'x5'. Hopefully that will be good enough until I can get the coop & run finished. The 8 babies seem to be happy.....

Speaking of which, time to get outside and get to work on that said coop...........
I know the animal control person here in town, yes we have only one :) we have actually talked about my chickens, she came over one day when I caught a stray dog. She is on my side. But her hands are kind of tied. I am just angry that it doesn't matter how well my chickens are taken care of if the neighbors chickens aren't. They would still make both of us get rid of the chickens. What kind of plant is that?

That is not right. Even if there had been a false complaint against you all they have to do is verify that your birds are well cared for and they would close the case. I had a couple people file a false complaint against me and it was dropped because it was so clearly a lie on their part. I have been harrassed by code enforcement but I won against the officer who tried to claim that birds were restricted when they were not. Then he personally rewrote the codes but our birds are grandfathered so he has no legal standing to make us get rid of them.

Sometimes people in positions of authority will tell you things that are not true because they get away with it. This same idiot tried to tell me that I needed a business license to sell birds and even eggs when that is not true. They get away with it because people do what they want and they are not reported so they get away with bullying.
It has just been raining here. Cup a little flakes of snow now and then. There have been no complaints against me. It's just that animal control said that if they get a complaint in the neighborhood about one group of chickens they basically just wiped out the chickens in the whole neighborhood. Which is utter BS if you ask me but what can I say.
We had freezing rain this morning. Hubby headed back down to Barstow California for work again. Blah. It's only until the end of the month this time at least.

The dogs kept jumping in the truck and trying to go with him this morning.
@Hinotori been raining all day here since we left early to the yardbirds here
in chehalis couple good downpours but need to collect eggs suddenly it
struck me I do believe I have a couple extra cockerel here....
So do you own or rent? how many chickens do you have? do they have ?

I own my house and I have 12 chickens. They rent and they have probably around 25 or so right now. Most of them are chicks, I think they got some meat birds. Their numbers seem to vary from five or six at 2:30 or more. They have checks constantly.
They rent their house. There are actually two houses on the property, the front house and a Backhaus. The people in the back house are complaining about all the chickens. The people in the front house have the chickens, they just throw food out the door into the yard including onto the sidewalk. The lady in the back house has fallen twice when she slipped on the rotting vegetables the lady threw out there. Their landlord has told them numerous times to get rid of most of the chickens but they just keep getting more of them. If that'll their landlord would just be tough about it he could solve the problem but so far he hasn't.and I don't want to raise a ruckus because then it can come back on me. The whole situation just stinks. And it's not right.

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