Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Yeah, been out here for about 8 months. I only have 9 chickens. Once I get the property fenced in I plan to get more. They free range for the most part. This is my first time with chickens. My coop is posted too. Thanks for the welcome

great you have a coop for them.... chicken math will hit after your fence is up I bet
need to pickup like my 8th 150 ft roll of chicken wire our property is fenced but with field wire and most of it is just wide enough a full grown bird can walk through it.
Everyone just hanging out today. I've been so very busy

great photo there been working myself silly down here
yesterday actually felt pretty good temp wise now they say we are
going to get in the 80's although we did get the air conditioners in :bow
Butchered 3 red Rangers today at 12 weeks 2 roosters went 6.5 and 5.75 pounds 1 hen at 4.75 pounds. They were nice and fat but a much leaner build than the cornish x I have one bag of feed left will do the other 9 rangers when it's gone pluss a little cracked corn. Will try frying up the hen in a couple of days it will be hard to beat the excellent cornish x I raised.

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