Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Renee - have you thought about putting up a tarp around your run to protect the girls until you get that plexiglass? I was thinking about that today and even though they wouldn't have anything to look at, at least they'd still be warm and dry in the run instead of only the coop being dry. I have been thinking about putting a tarp up on mine as well for the winter, but don't know if it's necessary yet. I'm thinking of putting a tarp along the whole house side and door side of the run, they'd still have the whole front of the run to look out and for ventilation, but would stay warmer and dryer in there with the driving rain. WDYT?

I'm glad I saw this before jumping ahead.

I started thinking about that yesterday. I think I'm going to get a new clear shower curtain for our bathroom and cut down our current one and use it for a wind block until I can get some plexiglass. It'll be a good excuse to get a new shower curtain liner.

Your run is larger and longer - a tarp would probably work better for you - or maybe some clear gardening plastic.
What sucks about not having Thanksgiving at home.
I miss the smells of all the food cooking.
Can't kick back in my recliner to recover from the TURKEY TRAUMA!!!
NO LEFT OVERS !!!! one of the best parts of Thanksgiving.
There will be no internet where we will be

The best part of going to wife's family for Thanksgiving.
Leave all the mess behind. I offer to help but them women don't want men in the kitchen.

When I've taken all the "applesauce" I can for a day I can leave.
No worries about trying to "be nice" most won't notice or care that I am there.

I am Thankful for my family. Yes you people are my family and I am so thankful for each and every one of my BYC and FB family members.

If you have relatives please try to accept them for who/what they are. However if they decide they don't want to accept you. Try what I have done. Pick up the pieces and move on. Trust me there are way too many very kind people to waste your time with those who don't want you in their life!!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm not able to be on much - the holiday season is our crazy season, especially since my son's B-day is early in December.

Update on us:

6 BCM and 6 OE eggs are doing well in the incubator. We haven't candled, and I doubt we will. I'll probably check them by weight this time around - unless DH decides he could use a high powered LED flashlight.

The 4 chicks are doing well, getting big and stinky. I think we're moving their little butts to the garage this weekend. The chirping in the house has been fun, but, even though I scoop the sand 3x/day - they still stink! We've let them out, one at a time to walk around the living room. That's kinda funny. Yesterday I took Blackie into the kitchen with me and let him walk around on the floor - I think he may have tried to crow. He made the funniest sound trying to figure out where the others were. Uh, oh! Cocoa and Rocha are both becomming pretty agressive with each other. I think they're going to be the first to go - we'll probably take them to the auction on December 1 when they will be almost 7 weeks old. They are very well feathered already, but I'll give them a couple more weeks to grow in more feathers before letting them go to a home where I'll have no idea if they'll be on lights or not. They are cute as the dickens with their fluffy faces, but they just go at each other too much. If they don't calm down between now and Dec 1, they'll have to go.

DH caught the first rat in the largest rat snap trap inside my greenhouse. That thing was about 2x the size as the one I saw run out of the greenhouse the other day. Now I'm REALLY nervous to touch that bale of hay! We have 2 snap traps, 2 sticky traps and 1 bait box in there - hopefully we'll be able to erradicate the nest quickly. Sadly, we won't be able to use the greenhouse with the chicks for certain now, unless we physically move it. It was such a wonderful, warm outdoor play space on dry days for the little boys.

We'll I'm going back to watch the parade. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!
What sucks about not having Thanksgiving at home.
I miss the smells of all the food cooking.
Can't kick back in my recliner to recover from the TURKEY TRAUMA!!!
NO LEFT OVERS !!!! one of the best parts of Thanksgiving.
There will be no internet where we will be

The best part of going to wife's family for Thanksgiving.
Leave all the mess behind. I offer to help but them women don't want men in the kitchen.

When I've taken all the "applesauce" I can for a day I can leave.
No worries about trying to "be nice" most won't notice or care that I am there.

I am Thankful for my family. Yes you people are my family and I am so thankful for each and every one of my BYC and FB family members.

If you have relatives please try to accept them for who/what they are. However if they decide they don't want to accept you. Try what I have done. Pick up the pieces and move on. Trust me there are way too many very kind people to waste your time with those who don't want you in their life!!!

Have a happy Thanksgiving and visit with your wife's family CR.

My husband was supposed to work today, but, thankfully, his manager decided last minute no one was coming in today, so he's home. We won't be doing a traditional Thanksgiving meal until tomorrow evening though, since I didn't have the turkey thawed out in time. Today was going to be just a "regular" day. I didn't know he was going to have today off until late yesterday afternoon. So... today, I'm not sure what we're going to do for dinner, but we'll go to a movie with the family. It should be fun. Tomorrow we'll have our "Thanksgiving" dinner.

My mom is going to my second cousin's house in Newberg for Thanksgiving. His mom and dad (my cousin and her husband), will also be there. I think that will be neat for her, but it is the first time we're spending Thanksgiving without her here. I was originally going to go get her and bring her back up, but she wanted to wanted to visit with this side of the family. I haven't seen these cousins since I was about 6 or 7 years old - I'm glad she's connecting with family that she hasn't seen in years. Moving her to Oregon has had it's difficulties with her being so far away, but she's meeting a lot of people she hasn't seen in a very long time. I'm glad she can do that while she still has her memory. Dementia runs heavily in my family and usually hits in the 80s - she's 78, so I would guess she may be facing that in the next 10 years or so. I can't wait to learn about where life has taken my cousin. Hopefully someday, I'll be able to meet him again, too.

We get together with a couple of friends who also don't have family here, and we split cooking duties. I'm very thankful that they have taken on the burden of hosting and cooking the turkey for the last couple of years, since my son was born! I used to fry a turkey, but there's no way I'm doing that with a toddler on the premises. So all I have to bring today are a half ham, green beans, two pies I cooked last night, and a veggie/fruit tray. We're going to have a ridiculous amount of food for 4 adults. I'm impressed by how well it's going, though. My family has a toddler making things hard, and our friends are still dealing with the aftermath of Alice's motorcycle accident and she's in a wheelchair needing assistance to get around. Maybe some year turkey day will be easy again?

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving, whichever day and whatever way to celebrate it.


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