Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Yeah and we're supposed to get a cold snowy winter here this year.

Google maps is much easier to use than the old paper maps, even if you're not having it give directions. Being able to just zoom in is nice instead of stopping at a gas station to get a more detailed local map because the road atlas doesn't have what you need.

I do have to say, sometimes when hubby decides to just turn a different way or takes the wrong turn, I have been know to yell out "recalculating!"

He doesn't think it's funny until later.
Barely a drizzle last night but enough that I shouldn't need to water the garden until tomorrow.

I wish I could go to Seattle to just try all the restaurants, but it's a hassle getting in, finding parking, etc. We only look for places to eat there if we need to go into the city for something, like buying furniture.
Had to go to Wilco for Flockraiser crumble for the silkies with chicks. Looked in chick bins. "Oh these olive eggers are young enough for a hen" Took home 4.

Cleaned off the broody tub and shelf in bathroom. Set up tub. Grabbed broody hen out of coop and dropped her in after making her walk and poop. Put chicks in. 5 minutes later she's had a drink and snack. Chicks have been shoved under her and she's settled.

I swear Molly is the best broody. Bit over a year old and these will be her 3rd batch. She knows this routine and doesn't mind being moved when broody.

It's the not having to sneak chicks in that rocks. She's got her great+ grandmothers genes.
My pest control specialists need to learn that voles aren't actually problems. The german shepherd will happily steal them from the cats or other dog so she can eat them. They are her favorite snack.

Darn Snow likes to do that. We walk the place in the morning but do not always find them she and Moose will take them eat them do not use ramik or other poison with that.

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