Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Also...we have a HUGE deep freezer. Can I stick an entire bag of feed in the deep freeze? How about 10 bags of feed? Right now I have 6 extras and with the savings this weekend I plan on buying 5-6 more, but don't want it to go bad before we use it. Thoughts?
I have several of these Douglas Squirrels living around my home and they think the back deck is theirs.  They don't even move when we are feet away.  I keep the bird and squirrel feeders out there.  My question is, now that my chickens think the back deck is theirs, can squirrels and chickens get along or am I due for a fight from one or the other.

Mama this last spring, we now have more needless to say.  I wonder if they stay in the same territory or if they go away off at a certain age.

My Belgians will eye a squirrel for a second, puff their chests out even more, and charge. The squirrel will return in ten seconds. It's a vicious cycle.
Well, phooey. Blossom is still with us, but on the other hand I just had a crown and peg come off a tooth I had a root canal on maybe twenty years ago?

Phooey, phooey, phooey: I have to go to the dentist, phooey phfui.

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