Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Have a safe and non hectic season. I pray the night brings both Santa, our loved ones and all our pets safe through the storm hitting us. May all our coops stand upright and fences withstand the winds. Be safe friends. Stay home if it is too dangerous to go out to family. They would rather not go to a funeral next week for you.
Haven't posted in awhile, but just wanted to pop in and wish a very Happy Christmas to all who celebrate!!! And a very Happy New Year too!!!

Hopefully, once the kids get back to school, I will be on here more often!!!! Love to you all!!!!
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope everyone is where they want to be, with whom they want to be with!
Much love and happiness to you all!
Hello Everyone. Just stopped in to wish everybody a Merry Christmas. Hope everyone has safe journeys if traveling.
As I look around the house I see much evidence of BYC peeps: lotion bars from dawng, handmade earrings from Ogress, homemade jam from Rainwolf, feed tote sacks from Chickielady, dish mat from Justbugged, chick sculptures from ChickenRustler, origami and artwork from Itsren's kids, chicken beads from Shyla-C, handmade candle holder from Totalcolour, a bag of Sevin from KMHunter. I also bought a baby pouch from Slinglings and wine from SadieSue's shop for family for Christmas. That's just in the house! Outside, there is a fabulous coop made by VelvettFog and trucked over by FlamingChicken, not to mention the actual fowl I've gotten through BYC. There were many many more wonderful conversations, meetings and good food shared as well.

Thank you all for the best gift of all, friendship. Your various talents, advice, chicken camraderie and humor have truly enriched and blessed my life!
Love this! Anyone lucky enough to call you friend is lucky indeed!

Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to all!
Frodo is doing great! She is eating and drinking, and her aim is better when doing both of those! She is starting to itch a lot, especially the chin area where it was not as deep.

I went to two petstores, three drugstores, and two vets but none of the medical cement. I ordered some from Amazon next day to be here day after Christmas.

In the meantime, I switched from hydrogen peroxide to a saline solution per a pharmasist I spoke to. Continuing antibiotic ointment anytime it looks dry.

She is a really good house chicken - she sits in a very short box on a tv tray table with a perch that has paper towels, food & water. She doesn't go anywhere.
Saw this link on another forum....

Some examples............

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]PINK BERKELEY TIE-DYE[/FONT]
25 SEEDS $2.99 USD 100 SEEDS $9.99 USD

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Beautiful, early, and very sweet rich flavor. 10 out of 10 people liked it better then Cherokee Purple in a farmers market taste off. Early to mid-early, 65-75 days.Compact indet. regular leaf. 8-12 oz. average. Port wine colored beefsteak with metallic green stripes. Excellent sweet, rich dark tomato flavor. Fabulous. Marginal tomato climate recommended.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BERKELEY TIE-DYE[/FONT]
25 SEEDS $2.99 USD 100 SEEDS $9.99 USD

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Warning, high acid content may cause flashbacks. This tomato blows me and alot of my customers away. A favorite to many of my chefs. Mid-late to late, 75-90 days. indet. regular leaf plants. 8-16 oz. Green fruit with yellow and red stripes. Creamy green flesh infused with various shades of red and yellow. Each of these colors has a different flavor resulting in a spicey, sweet, tart tomato with good acid all in one. Originated from one plant 500 F-2 Beauty King.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BRAD'S BLACK HEART[/FONT]
25 SEEDS $2.99 USD

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]One of the only Black Heart Varieties in Existence. Extra Dense, Meaty Flesh, Classic Richness of Dark Tomatoes. Wispy, Droopy Foliage.
Do Not Overwater.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]VARIETY SPECIAL[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Receive the following 4 seed packages, 25 seeds each, for the price of three packages: Red Boar, Pink boar, Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye and Sweet Carneros Pink.[/FONT]


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Click Here for Printable Order Form[/FONT]



[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Copyright
2011 Wild Boar Farms, Suisun Valley, CA. , Web Design www.ackerdesign.com

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