Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Check the protein percentage. It may be on the high side for chickens.
I do the FF. When I first start it I put about a glug of ACV in the bucket, add feed and water to completely cover it(no air, anerobic is better), stir it up and check in 30 minutes to make sure is still covered with water, add more if needed. Cover bucket with a towel and stir twice a day for 2 days. Should start having bubbles in the mix at this point. That means it's ready to start feeding. I pour off the excess water mix into a new bucket and add more feed and water to it for the next day. The first batch you can feed as is to them or mix a little dry in to get a thicker feed(this is what I do, like thick oatmeal) and put in a dish to feed them. Keep this rotating process up every morning. Older birds may take a little while to adjust but when they are hungry enough they will eat it. And it smell real good, like bread dough kinda
I had one of M Best silkie chicks do this, she still cleans the cockerel's beard and crest of feed. She is not aggressive in any way.

Thanks. She is a little different than the rest. A real show stealer I hope.
OK, off topic moment.

My GF put me onto a new game for iPad, iPod and iPhones. It's called Hay Day and it's a farm simulation game. Talk about fun.

I'm going to take my 2 girls out for grass exposure on Sunday. Tomorrow is moving from storage day for my son that moved out on the first.
I cannot site any but can say others on here who have studied this think that it pushes the pullet chicks towards too early development. Potentially causing internal laying in the long run.

I would chalk that up to old wives tales then. I can think of other problems that could cause the issues you're talking about. Feeding science has really come a remarkable way, but it is always changing. I will however seek out more detailed info on this and report my findings back to the thread.
I feel the need to Interrupt your chirping for this public service announcement....................

The Haircut

Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting.

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber
replied, 'I cannot accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week. 'The florist was pleased and left the shop. When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot
accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week.' The cop was happy and left the shop.
The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen donuts
waiting for him at his door.

Then a Congressman came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied,
'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The Congressman was very happy and left the shop. The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut.

And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.


We now return you to your regular chirping program.
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So, my 6yr old son and I went to my favorite- local feed store and they had 2-3 wk old tie pullets, sexed.... For $4each.... Then, the boy(who has been ambivilant towards chickens so far) BEGGED to get some... He even came up with the perfect place to put them, lol, his room.... Which after hearing them chirp, he decided to sleep on the couch...

We only got 3, and if these go well, I might change my order for 6+wk old pullets, and just go get straight run, but a few more of course... As I don't have a prob processing in-necessary Roos....

I don't know.... I am finally feeling more confident about my ability to handle chicks.... Maybe that is a bad thing... Lol

Here is the current set up-- the house temp is 70, the light is a 125w I am borrowing from Mikeyb ... Food/water are in the back corners... And the light only goes about halfway into the crate, which is 2'x3'


My house is def a lot of stimulation for them....

I have rocks in the water bowl(no marbles here), and might offer them chock grow with water tomorrow.... I've been observing them for about 2hrs, and other than there almost always being at least one making noise, they seem ok....

Any tips/thoughts, ideas or critics???

They sure seem big/have a lot of feathers for 2 or 3 weeks... The girl wasn't sure which batch the came from specifically, but we grabbed the bigger ones.... They are rir's I guess
So, my 6yr old son and I went to my favorite- local feed store and they had 2-3 wk old tie pullets, sexed.... For $4each.... Then, the boy(who has been ambivilant towards chickens so far) BEGGED to get some... He even came up with the perfect place to put them, lol, his room.... Which after hearing them chirp, he decided to sleep on the couch...

We only got 3, and if these go well, I might change my order for 6+wk old pullets, and just go get straight run, but a few more of course... As I don't have a prob processing in-necessary Roos....

I don't know.... I am finally feeling more confident about my ability to handle chicks.... Maybe that is a bad thing... Lol

Here is the current set up-- the house temp is 70, the light is a 125w I am borrowing from Mikeyb ... Food/water are in the back corners... And the light only goes about halfway into the crate, which is 2'x3'

My house is def a lot of stimulation for them....

I have rocks in the water bowl(no marbles here), and might offer them chock grow with water tomorrow.... I've been observing them for about 2hrs, and other than there almost always being at least one making noise, they seem ok....

Any tips/thoughts, ideas or critics???
Cute! I'll offer the obligatory "try to make sure their water doesn't get dirty" advice. I say try, because it is exceedingly difficult to get chicks to not poop in their water or fling food into it.
Cute!  I'll offer the obligatory "try to make sure their water doesn't get dirty" advice.  I say try, because it is exceedingly difficult to get chicks to not poop in their water or fling food into it.  :barnie

Especially once they start perching on top of it! I don't know what it is but there's always one that wants to roost on top of the waterer...
OK folks so I am on day 13 and I just candled my eggs and out of 35 eggs 27 of them look like they have babies.... I know 8 for sure are a no go. 5 look liked they didnt start at all and the other 3 look like early death... After loosing 3 of my chickens in the last 2 weeks I am ready for some new babies... ( even tho I am not sure I will be keeping any yet)

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