Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hey I heard "rumor" that while I was gone there had been some peeps get in trouble for telling of something for sale! I don't know any details but would like to hear from somebody in the know. And it can be done in PM if we need to keep it off here.

I just hope that this thread has not become so high and mighty that we can't share information. Now I can understand IF it were to be somebody listing a huge amount of stuff or a business. But in my opinion we are all friends and should be able to share AFTER ALL THIS IS THE WA thread in the SOCIAL category.

I would guess that somebody reported such activity. Because while the Mods do a very good job of keeping things going I really don't think they have much time to spend just looking for little problems. It is really sad that I know we do have some peeps who are VERY sensitive and almost seem to look for things to report for.
And just to give an example I was once reported and given (bad) points for a conversation several of us were having about a particular type of old FOOT WEAR! YES I thought that was pretty lame. There WAS NO inappropriate content or language.
Does anyone know who or what birds won Best of Show and Reserve of Show for adults at the PNPA show? I wasn't able to stay long enough to see the results. I had to get back to the Spring Fair and judge Fitting & Showing.
I apparently only made a record of the yellow card Best in Show. It was a Salmon Favorelles Pullet by Michele DiCicco of Washougal, WA. Very nice bird, I tried to get a picture but her beard was wet and she wouldn't pose.

I have pictures of most of the Champion and Reserve of Large Fowl and maybe some of the Bantam classes if people are interested. Ran out of time to take photos of waterfowl.
Thinking of buying this: http://www.wayfair.com/New-Age-Pet-...-Hutch-in-Natural-Cedar-ECORH203-NEW1067.html

It would be $292.82 after my discount. Won't rot and is easily cleaned...might be great for a broody and chicks right?!

Jess -- you can do a LOT better than 300 bucks for a coop like that. Heck, 300 bucks would just about buld you a shed like the one you have for your coop now!

BTW I forgot to tell the best/worst part of the trip to Vancouver. Friday on the way down we had just passed Longview. Setting alongside the freeway was a small shed looked like about 6x6 may have even been a cedar. It was a nice looking shed looked like could have made a nice small coop. What really sucked was that there was no room for me to pull over with the truck and trailer. I also didn't have room to haul the shed and no tools to disassemble.
And to top it off I didn't have phone #'s for anybody in the area who I could call to go get it.

I saw that .. and I tried to stop in time .. but I couldn't get over to the right quickly enough. My truck was empty, and I had some tools I could have taken it apart and put it in the truck bed.

Well, I don't know if they took down my last post about the chickens I have that need homes. But I made the mistake of saying it was a list of the ones I was selling. Well I am on CL but here they are free to my peeps here. I just ment that those were the ones that were going and availible. So I got in trouble, never had that problem before but they must be watching us more closely here now sense someone unjustly taddled on Greg. So watch out everyone we need to behave.

PM me and let me know if you guys need the list again. But like I said my roosters and chickens are free to my BYC peepers here!

Hope ya'll are well. Really busy so PM me about chickens or if ya just wanna say HELLO! Miss you guys, hope to be on here more, sooner than later.


How do we know that someone "tattled" ? It seems to me that BYC is cracking down on "sales" or "advertising".

And - why would we call it "tattling" if someone has broken the rules shouldn't they be reported for it?
We are on our way home from Olympia with honeysuckle hills, sudsy chick and terror bird. We saw Sadie sue's play, based upon the movie resevoir dogs. She was wonderful! We went out for a nice meal with her sister and mother as well, and I even got a nice hug and kiss from her mother
. She was very sweet.

I also received the email about advertising in my posts, which I dont think I've ever done. This is the only thread that I ever post on at BYC, someone here must be complaining
. Slinglings is my user name everywhere and always has been, even before my business, so it's not like I'm going to change it now.
I couldn't find the spot for mooching stuff. I'll apologize if this is wrong.

Does anyone in the Kelso/Longview area have a couple square feet of half inch hardware cloth or tin roofing they don't need? I am still working on gettting my coop refurbished and I don't have any money to do it. I figured it could not hurt to ask.

Also, will chickens generally squeeze under fences and such to wander off? I have good six foot fences, but erosion has undermined them a couple inches in spots. I got some free chicken wire from a friend, and I was considering burying some along the low fence lines or otherwise hemming it in.
And you didn't stop by my booth and say BECAUSE?????

FYI 2 of the judges spoke VERY HIGHLY of the Faverolles at this show.
Because I was there for a very short amount of time on Saturday morning (seriously less than 30 minutes) and that got taken up by getting corralled by old friends. Very sorry I didn't get a chance, then on Sunday I went by booth a couple times but nobody was there (I left during awards). So apologies for not saying hi. Hopefully next show I won't have to work that weekend and can spend more time actually at show.

The Favorelles were gorgeous. For someone that's been out of the show rooms for a while I was surprised and impressed. The Sumatra display at the show looked great too, wouldn't have enjoyed being the judges on that class either. There were some Polish there that were stunning as well. Only thing that disappointed me about the bird part of the show was the Asiatic Class, only one Langshan (although she was beautiful), no Brahmas, just a bunch of them fluffy things. So I wish my favorite breeds were more represented.
BTW I forgot to tell the best/worst part of the trip to Vancouver. Friday on the way down we had just passed Longview. Setting alongside the freeway was a small shed looked like about 6x6 may have even been a cedar. It was a nice looking shed looked like could have made a nice small coop. What really sucked was that there was no room for me to pull over with the truck and trailer. I also didn't have room to haul the shed and no tools to disassemble.
And to top it off I didn't have phone #'s for anybody in the area who I could call to go get it.
Imagine how I felt going past a few hours later in a stupid useless Camry! It was a shed looking for a home, it was!
Ya mean it was still there Saturday morning??? That was about 11:00am FRIDAY when I saw it!!
Yup. I was surprised it had been there that long- was in a place the shoulder is wide enough to pull off, too (for good reason- that's the beginning of the ice storm belt; we've gotten caught there by ice at least once and there were trucks pulling over to chain up).

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