Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I thought you guys would like this or maybe not so much!

I keep b**ching about wanting to get rid of my kids' swing set so that I have room for a real coop and run, but today I realized something--I won't be able to swing with the chickens anymore! They love it, they go limp, their legs stick out and they lay their little beaks down on my arm. It's so sweet <3 I tried to get a picture today but I got pooped on, twice. I've been bragging that I've never once been pooped on since owning chickens, but they got me today. Ginger, Halle and Leila all had sweet little naps on me this afternoon.
How great I can just picture it. Rock a by chickie in the tree top
It was SO nice to see Honeysuckle Hills, Terror Bird, Slinglings and DawnG yesterday.  I really, truly appreciate that they made a longgg trek from the north all the way south to Olympia to see Reservoir Dogs which I will say again is definitely a show not for everyone as was proven when two women walked out yesterday. As they left a few of us were waiting in the wings to go on for a scene and one of the women said, "You ladies are great - we just can't stand the show"!  Which as odd as it may sound, wasn't an insult to us.  It just validated to us that we were doing a very good job portraying very real, bad people onstage.  These women were just overcome.  Someone did not do a good enough job warning them in advance.

I thanked my chicken lady friends for being brave and kind enough to stay through the entire play and then my 75 year old mother and sister (who both LOVED the show) joined all of us for a nice bite to eat at McMenamin's Spar restaurant in downtown Olympia.  What a lovely visit we had!  My mother called me a short while ago just to tell me again how much she enjoyed the play and the company of my poultry pals,  ;) saying what nice women they were.  What was the remark that waiter made that we all laughed at?  It was something related to poultry or fowl and someone in the group said, "You have no idea who you're talking to", so we had to explain we'd all met through our love of backyard poultry!

DawnG was nice enough to bring my soap order to Olympia for me because I foolishly gave ALL of my order away to friends and found I was left with NONE.

So thank you again ladies for attending yesterday and having dinner with my mom, sister and I.  It's always so much fun to visit with other WA BYCer's and good to see all of you again! :love
i would love to see this, how long will it play? Have been very busy and behind on the forum due to a new job and getting ready for my wedding in May.
Quote: Oh!! Thank you, MelissaG & KMHunter!!! I only thought about what it would look like done, my dad is the carpenter behind this coop! In fact, it was a community project, mah dad built it, mah uncle supplied the materials, mah step-dad bought an outrageous amount of chick feed from Xcel, and my sis brings me egg cartons, and I bought the chickens....I just hope WE get enough eggs to feed all mah helpers!!!

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