Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Sounds like what I have..it started right after the show...
Sorry I did not see you there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But yeah~ what a nasty bug !
First noticed a VERY sore throat Sunday, and by Monday my (our) entire head was pumped over full & eyes ready to pop out & PAIN down the back the neck...and you know the rest.
Einstein was extremely hurt by eye pain, and back of the neck pain...it went in my lungs, and I have been hacking to the point of passing out.
He has not had this happen.
I bought pine shavings when I first got the chicks from Del's -- turns out the little nuisances ATE the stuff ... and I worried ... replaced those with a puppy-pad covered with fallen fir needles (we have LOTS of that ... the ants pile it three feet high) .. so I still have most of the package of those shavings around here somewhere, will take a look in the morning, would that help?
Thanks, I just went to petco and found a huge bag that will last me a year of sawdust :D it was only $10
try Del's (tractor supply). We get a big bale of pine shavings there for about $5. Lasts us over a year but we only use it in brooder and nest boxes. We start chicks on paper towels in a bus tub for the first 2-3 days before putting them on shavings in the brooder. Never seen them eat shavings.
I use, and always use, cedar in my coops, up to 6" deep to prevent Bumble injury to my adult birds,deep is the key here, according to the roost height, and the weight of the flock individuals~

BUT I use compressed straw and pine shavings for my chick brooders.
I saw you, I was with Dawn and Ruth :)
POOP I did not see you !
would have given ya a hug...
I did go to Ruth, and then Dawn, and you escaped me, which is proof I did not distribute this BUG...
Has anyone talked with Turtle Trav or Rustler ?

I bet they are sick too, bummer Trav works so hard driving truck and Rustler & wife sick?
I am worried now !
actually the weather here is not much different from what we were having on Maui -- there we had torrential rains, fog, too much wind (50-60 mph), and it was getting into the middle 50s at night, low 60s daytimes unless sun was out ... and chilly because of 75+% moisture and 20-30 mph winds .. unless we had Kona conditions which meant 90% humidity at least, and NO wind for evaporation ... remember, we are at 1500 feet altitude when there .. much warmer down at sea level ... also slightly sunnier and slightly less windy (except in Kihei)

now I get to set up a quarantine coop for the EEs .... I wonder a little bit since I have only ONE hen .. but will do my best to keep all healthy (at least we have room enough to separate them ... can set up my chicken tractor way back by the hangar -- and put them in a small dog carrier at night since we DO have predators and they won't be up next to the house as my existing coop and run are ...
marchick...... morning...... read about Sally Sunshine's home made incubator.... good temps... good humidity.... and you can probably use parts from your old incubator.... Good luck.....


Dave, I wanted to say welcome to the thread,, it is so nice to see a man on board !
ha ha ah yes we have home made bators !
Mine all involve GQF eliments, though, which you can stick in any BOX.
THIS is the way to go, along with a COMPUTER FAN which you can get at any Radio Shack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL -- do any chickens really know their names? mine always came running to "chick chick chick", only the rooster would come to "roo roo roo", and they all knew what "to the coop! to the coop! " meant ....

too many predators of various sorts here to let them free-range unsupervised; I suspect it was finally a coyote that attacked them in the run, since there were several holes dug under neighbor's fence ... and Phoebe apparently ran afoul (whoops, sorry!) of either a redtail hawk or a golden eagle ... we have both baldies and goldens around here but the bald eagles pretty much stick to fish in the river and frogs in the marsh; no evidence of owls around here, we do have bobcats but mostly they prefer to stay in the safety of bramble thickets, not run across open grass, since our coop and run are close to the house, with only an oak tree and scraggly Indian-plum bushes around its base, nearby .. and we have Roxy, the territorial German shorthaired pointer patrolling the yard, as well as Krispy, the half-Siamese tomcat ...

I live WAY outside of the city here so we have eagles, owls, mountain lion, coyote and various stray dogs. Got about 9 acres of mostly forest so we do get deer and elk up here also. Our coop was here when we moved in and it's about 20 - 25 yards from the house. So we can hear them if something happens at night. I was thinking about letting them roam the property but there are too many dangers for them to go unsupervised.

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