Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

That's interesting. This is may second winter. Like the previous year, I started chicks in the early spring, got a few eggs starting in September or October, and they never completely stopped in the winter. I have gotten 1 or 2 most days through the winter these last two years. The occasional zero egg day. Being a beginner, I assume it's not due to skill or wisdom. No lights in the coop either. Dumb luck I'm sure.

Some luck is involved, mainly because you can't really control when birds are going to molt or how well they'll lay without supplemental light. Plus I only have 7 birds right now (1 is a dud, so 6 actual layers), so chances of getting no eggs on a random winter's day is higher.

This year I started saving up eggs in September. I lucked out and one of my younger hens continued to lay at a reduced rate until January, when she molted hard and stopped laying. But obviously we've gone through all the stored up eggs as well as the fresher eggs.
I'm getting 2 to 4 eggs a day now, since just after Christmas. In the past I've had eggs through the winter, but this year I didn't have any hens in their first winter. I actually had to buy a couple dozen eggs in December. I have two POL pullets and one has just now started to lay. :ya

For me, having the pullets laying means I can integrate the cockerels in with the girls. I'm going to give each cockerel 5 girls and see how that goes. I may been more hens. Hopefully the ones I have will give them to me now. :)
I’m in search of blue or splash Ameraucana hens under 2 years. We hatched 4 out of 6 Roos and we are looking to even it out more. Please message if you have any you are willing to sell. Please DM me if you have any more specific questions. We are looking for true bred ameraucanas not EE/OE please. Thank you!
No sorry have not heard from you in bit EE he graduated to Rooster now
had the blue copper Marans growing up he did Red the EE was going chase him but BC did not run Red went head long into BC then BC just walked off like so what that all ya got
I have 10 Black Copper Marans chicks from a breeder in Or, 8 whiting True Blue from a breeder in Ohio, and a bunch of EEs, Marans and Brahmas. My mom's Spitzhauben died from unknown reasons and I saw some on eBay up near you and thought that was you. I'm planning on keeping a BCM roo, and eating the rest of the roos.
One of the easter egger pullets started laying today.


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