Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hi and welcome to the new posters! I tend to get behind on threads! I've noticed the quiet the past few days, hardly any traffic going by. I could enjoy that except for the weird scary and sad circumstances.
We are doing fine, trying to get the garden in and taking care of chickens, but I miss the grandkids and especially the new baby. I have seen her from about 6 feet away but I'm dying to just grab her and give her a jolly good snuggle! :D
I'm going to be looking into getting a few point of lay pullets later when it's a little warmer, there are some really fine breeders around but since I just lost one to Marek's, (most likely) I want them to be immunized for that.
So what did everyone eat today? lol
Hi and welcome to the new posters! I tend to get behind on threads! I've noticed the quiet the past few days, hardly any traffic going by. I could enjoy that except for the weird scary and sad circumstances.
We are doing fine, trying to get the garden in and taking care of chickens, but I miss the grandkids and especially the new baby. I have seen her from about 6 feet away but I'm dying to just grab her and give her a jolly good snuggle! :D
I'm going to be looking into getting a few point of lay pullets later when it's a little warmer, there are some really fine breeders around but since I just lost one to Marek's, (most likely) I want them to be immunized for that.
So what did everyone eat today? lol
What did we eat??? That's funny. We are still eating normally in this house. Flank steak, baked potato and steamed broccoli for dinner. :D Eggs for breakfast of course, and lunch is always leftovers.
I am having a blast here way to many birds but enjoying messing with them
We did get all the fencing up next month we will do the back it is just 4 ft but she does not seem interested so far but still have one roll left to start at the back
I suddenly got a olive egg today, but no olive eggers. What happened?

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