Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I can still smell smoke, but it's not as bad as yesterday afternoon. Air quality index is at 49 now. It was up to 128 yesterday.

I'm hobbling around now. I was walking to my recliner to watch the chickens forage yesterday evening and felt my ankle kind of bind up, then it popped. And then there was shooting pain.

I iced it down a few times, and my whole foot was a little red this morning. Thanks to the internet, I made the educated guess that the problem is "cuboid syndrome", defined as:
The condition develops when the cuboid bone (one of the small bones in the foot) subluxes i.e. partially dislocates.
It definitely felt like something was out of place in my foot/ankle right before it popped, so I'm pretty sure that's what it is. I'll take it easy for a few days, and if it gets worse have a Dr. check it out.
Air still really bad here in South Seattle. I'm having to wear a mask while outside (with the chickens!)
Supposed to improve as day goes on. Really hope they are able to get fires under control. We need rain!


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Air is getting breathable here, Quality at 39! I guess there's a breeze coming in from the coast that's pushing the smoke back east.

Drove down to Better Weigh on I-5, Toledo and picked up my truck and travel trailer registration renewals. Nice thing about having older vehicles, registration fees are sort of reasonable.

Hobbled into the chicken run, picked up 5 good eggs, buried a bad one, filled the feeder and opened up the day run area for the girls. Hobbled into the garden and picked 5 squash, one was a ginormous zucchini, probably weighs 4 or 5 pounds. It'll be perfect for making sweet zucchini relish, which I keep putting off doing. LOL

Taking it easy the rest of the day. Watching the old series "Lost", which I've never seen. Pretty good so far.

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