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Well I am happy that all the chickens seems to have survived in spite of the trauma's and will be hopping that the puppy will soon be feeling better. I would also call the breeder and let them know.

Well I have done my best to keep the thread on top. I am off to bed.
Thanks, All, for your support. Puppy still very lethargic. Trying to entice eating (yesterday added scrambled eggs to her kibble). She is eating some of her treats and we picked up canned food last night which she liked. We think it's probably that her mouth is sore with her muzzle swollen. But the good news is that she may be less swollen this am?? I think we caught it soon enough to not have long term damage.
PPP, Sorry the pup is feeling so badly. Hope she heals 100%. She's lucky to have such a good mama.

Illia. Thats an awesome coop. Look closely, all the runs have outside doors. If you want to free range all you gotta do is open them!

Cackle, Are you refering to Schreiners? the herbal treatment with comfrey and stuff? That is a great product. I use it on the horses all the time. Stings something awefull though. I think it has cayenne pepper or something in it. One thing I was told is to be watchful of the wound. It can heal things too quickly sometimes and traps bacteria in the wound.

I think the 'red stuff' tailfeathers was talking about is betadine. If you have the scrub its a great wound cleaner.
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If I remember correctly (without going back and looking at the photo) there is one of the run doors open.

I have talked about him before...A local retired pastor...Paul Ashbrook. He had an absolutely beautiful set up. They each had their own runs inside and outside of a very larege (and very clean coop) and then he could open the run to let them free range inside of a nicely (high) fenced area. He had cougars and coyotes that liked to visit him. He had a room for his incubators and hatching. He has had many champion birds at shows across the country. His wife got very sick and he had to down size and I do not know if he is still showing birds or not...they moved back East to be closer to family. A very nice man. He worked a lot with the local 4-H and FFA kids and the poultry program.
Hopefully it's just an allergic reaction.

My Gramma had a weenie dog that was highly allergic to toads.
Name of Budgie.
And this being in Clearlake CA where back then, the night was infested with toads and frogs and bullfrogs.
Hardly ever see any anymore, and so the Lake is clogged and polluted with algae (usually the woggies eat the algae) Anyways, this dog LOVED to shoot out of the screen door and disapear into the night..and nosed the toads to get them to jump.
The dog would get so swoll up her could not breathe nor swallow.
Grampa put corrugated tin roofing all around their 1/2 acre yard but the toads still got in so they ended up just having to keep Budgie on drugs.
Who's coming to TPB tomorrow in LFP?


I love Greek style yogurt, but often have difficulty finding a low sugar kind, except at Trader Joes. I mix a little sugar free raspberry jam in mine when I'm craving a late night snack instead of having ice cream. I bookmarked the page to possibly try it out. Maybe I could make my own every couple of weeks.

You all need some of my kefir grains so you can make your own yogurt, sourdough and smoothies.
PM and I will send you some

Study: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=5650425#p5650425
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Certainly not my dream coop. I'll never understand the want for having a bunch of small runs and a bunch of seperate coops.

I may have had a predator attack today, but that is in no way stopping me from free ranging my mixed flock of hens.

Seriously Illia ?
I would move in this coop, and toss my chickens out too!!
What a cool house this "coop" would be !
I do keep my birds seperate though, so I have pure hatching eggs to sell.
And several breeding programs, but what a cool house huh ?
Got my brain going on home design again!
It looked like it had brooding boxes in the middle, too. You could have your whole set up in one place.

Certainly not my dream coop. I'll never understand the want for having a bunch of small runs and a bunch of seperate coops.

I may have had a predator attack today, but that is in no way stopping me from free ranging my mixed flock of hens.

Seriously Illia ?
I would move in this coop, and toss my chickens out too!!
What a cool house this "coop" would be !
I do keep my birds seperate though, so I have pure hatching eggs to sell.
And several breeding programs, but what a cool house huh ?
Got my brain going on home design again!
I love the look of this place! But is WAY outta my budget. lol I think I will stick to my two seperate coops and runs. OH! My other half said he would help me on the coop today! Gotta get the risers leveled out, and the floor at least framed in. I'm still trying to figure out how to do the nesting boxes... Kinda want to have them framed in, off the side of the coop, but am not sure how to go about it... I want to maximise floor space in the coop... Hmm... Any sudgestions? I do know how my run will be constructed! I have these wood fence pannels that are cdovered in 2x4 welded wire field fencing. I'm gonna lay them on their sides, fasten them together and cover the top with more wire. Then all I would have to do, is install an anti dig skirt around the bottom! But I'm a ways off from putting up the run, I'm hoping that it turns out not only more functional than my previous coop, but decent to look at as well.

Certainly not my dream coop. I'll never understand the want for having a bunch of small runs and a bunch of seperate coops.

I may have had a predator attack today, but that is in no way stopping me from free ranging my mixed flock of hens.

Seriously Illia ?
I would move in this coop, and toss my chickens out too!!
What a cool house this "coop" would be !
I do keep my birds seperate though, so I have pure hatching eggs to sell.
And several breeding programs, but what a cool house huh ?
Got my brain going on home design again!
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